I think that, ultimately, our high-tech society will migrate into wish-fulfillment fantasy worlds and stagnate. Some less technically advanced culture with a closer association with reality will step up to drive human progress.
I think that, ultimately, our high-tech society will migrate into wish-fulfillment fantasy worlds and stagnate. Some less technically advanced culture with a closer association with reality will step up to drive human progress.
I posted this elsewhere but will copy
I’m telling ya, a little gym action and some intense MA training and we’ll be like “who else could have played her! Ala Chris Evans. Remember that the reasons Chris Evans, RDJ, Mark Ruffalo and both Pauls worked is because they’re all great ACTORS.
Justice League: Fuck You, Hand Us Your Money.
Authors NEVER need to apologise for killing off a character, or even characters. They should, however, feel bad if they ever create a weak/bland/unrealistic character.
This is one case where I am quite certain the movie will be better than the book, because the underlying story of Ready Player One is fine, the way it was told was like bad 80s fanboy fanfiction.
Native American here. These names are ok.
Please take this GIF down. This is a very private video of a dinosaur, a horse, and a giant soccer ball, all participating in a mating ritual at the Bohemian Grove.
I thought it was great. We began with Rick being SuperHero Rick, about to save the day, and being outsmarted at every turn so that by the end, he was a broken man. Just a great character arc and a cliffhanger that improved on the comic, where the death was just a long, brutal slog.
Personally, I think they HAD to end it this way. I can’t imagine them ending Season 4 with everyone escaping Terminus. When in a dire situation, a cliffhanger is a necessity, really. Honestly, it would have sucked if they’d ended showing us Glenn’s skull getting crushed.
I liked the cliffhanger, and I’m not ashamed to say it.
Loved it, although, I wish my more dramatic version of Melisandre failing (but igniting the pilot light) and THEN as they burn him on a pyre he wakes up and walks out of the flame was used. It would have eliminated wight doubts and secure his Targaryan bloodline.
Whenever I see a clip of The Flash running real quick to get something, I’m left with the impression that he stole whatever it is he brought back. Like, he has to move at human speeds to pay the cashier, correct? That at least takes a minute or so. Add to that the amount of time it takes to “pour” an ice cream cone…
Except it wasn’t fucking shown to us either, is my beef. You shouldn’t need to kill to learn it’s bad. You don’t even have to have people talking about it. Fine. Then have Clark look mournfully at a deer he killed as a kid, all sad and stuff. Bam! We the audience know that he doesn’t like killing, and the scene with…
Let me remind you where, instead of that scene, he chose to have Pa Kent explain how maybe Clark should have just let a bus full of kids die. Because that’s *my* biggest complaint, right there.
Yes, but none of those things were even subtly addressed in the film. We’re left to infer that Superman is new and, thus, terrible at being Superman, but the film didn’t exactly try to make that point at all. You can plug it in retroactively, but good films – even superhero films – put those sorts of themes INTO the…
As interracial dating, integration, and cross-cultural friendships increase, many people find themselves attending…