
Xylitol can also be found in some brands of peanut butter. Something else to be careful of, since many people use peanut butter as a dog treat or to prompt a dog to eat medicine. Always read the label!

Don’t flatter yourself. I didn’t even notice that you were the same person I had talked to elsewhere. All I saw was the comment.

Given how quickly and efficiently he destroyed your bullshit sanctimonious comment, I strongly encourage his following you around, if only for my entertainment your own good.

As someone in my late-20s, i’m starting to feel like I can notice the moment when people a generation above completely lose their edge. Rightly or not I’ve always felt like Kissing Suzy Kolber and Deadspin (and really a lot of snarky blog journalism in general) grew out of the path that Simmons paved.

Yeah, maybe if he deflated 6 million balls...

Thanks for clarifying. If so, why not just go with Ballocaust? I mean, go big or go home and what not....

Goal: Perform better in playoffs next year.

Hey, I don’t know about the rest of these jamokes but I’m a fucking all-star at putting widgets in boxes, and I expect to be paid commensurately!

Not true. He helped run Joe Buck off the air after only one show. We could only be so lucky. Please, please, please, somebody book him for this show.

Anyone else getting the ad in this page?

Where’s Artie Lange when you need him?

Box from every conceivable angle is the name of my porn zine.

...just not on our website

Tha fuck is dat supposed ta mean?


A few days ago, there was a front-page article on doing an oral history of 2006 Finals, including many gripes from Mavs players. This is hardly out of nowhere.

TECHNICALLY, we aren’t paying pennies on the dollar for these things, you’re just paying 10-15 times normal.

I pay $1,800/month for a 2800 sq. ft. house with a 2-car garage 30 minutes from downtown of the 7th largest city in America.

@cmdrfire: Much easier to read a headline and then post a comment than read the whole post. Who reads anymore anyway, that's pre-9/11 stuff.