
No, we’re not. We can talk about it.

They’re fairly important in motorcycle racing, it’s hot enough for me sitting in traffic, somewhere like southern Spain would suck without an umbrella.

That is a terrible solution, as it will require doubling our infrastructure. I’m all for autonomous cars, but if they can’t share the road with humans, they are not ready.


Actually, running a 6v starter on 12v doesn’t hurt it at all. Since the torque is the same, and the voltage is doubled, the amperage is cut in half. Say that the original starter was designed for 70 amps. The wire gauge would be designed to handle 70 amps at 6v. Running it on 12v results in a draw of around 35

So if Matthew Broderick had super-fuzes he would have won the game?

I’d rather my city just buy what’s cheapest instead of trying to make an activist purchase on my dime.


Posted this elsewhere in the comments, but much of this review is simply about modern cars in general. It’s nicely written, but much of it could be about my Ford Flex (lumbar support, automatically unlocking gas hatch, blind spot warnings etc).

TL/DR: Author is paid to write about cars, does not want to write about cars. Wants to write the next great American novel highlighting culture in all its subtle depravity and corruption. Tries to reconcile two things and fails at both.

He does love Fig Newtons

They had me until “$750,000". Then they lost me. Massively.

I wasn’t trying to change the meaning, the second line you mention is about future plans, my focus was on what has been produced at this time and whether it qualifies as a production car. Future plans are great and all but they don’t always happen, in short, when and if they produce 20 cars then we can declare it a

including one for the fastest production car ever to run there

Give me a zorbing ball, a scuba tank, and set me loose. I wanna ride one of these down like it’s Niagara falls!

A worthy successor to the SC400. They already made a successor to the SC430 and it was just a brick with a convertible top

It is not really a “tank slapper” either. That term is getting abused here.

Let us remember this latest Bowling Green massacre.

Agreed. Things are bad now, but nowhere near Nazi Germany. Comparing situation today to Nazi Germany is extremely disrespectful to all the Jewish people and others who were slaughtered.