
I thought brothas were good at playing dumb to get themselves out of a jam but this administration has shown me that we ain’t seen shit.

I went with my five-year-old daughter to see the movie twice, and she’ll tell you in no uncertain terms that “the part where they save the horses” is her favorite. And it occurred to me: Star Wars is for kids; that part is for little kids.

Don’t go contrarian here. Spotlighting this mundane trolling video did no good for anyone. Well, it did for the aggregates who got what they wanted. A mini-controversy and some big wig tweets to create another post.

having that haircut is a red flag. having that haircut and giving all your male offspring identical haircuts is a huge fucking red flag.

I’m glad the kinja switchover didn’t drive Spider-Man away!

I do feel terrible about my absence.

The video shows a dude knocking down some clothing racks at a store that put out a racist ad. Seems like an appropriate, non-violent response to me. I wasn’t talking about your little anecdotes you found on the internet that have nothing to do with the article or the video so kindly get off my nuts.

You are employing a silly level of whataboutery. I cannot influence the behaviour of the US military, nor deny it funding to proceed with its war crimes. But I can avoid giving money to people whose moral stances I disapprove of.

And, to be clear, I don’t give a shit about the movie or the director, or movies and directors in general. It’s more that mewling try-hards like you make everything a thing because your lives are boring and outrage apparently gives you a reason not to step into the props of a moving plane.

You know, since you appeared

You mean, roleplaying? A thing adults do all the time.

You’re trying way too hard to connect something heavy-handed but otherwise completely innocuous to something actually horrifying because dipshits like you can’t handle a world where everything you think is a big deal isn’t a big deal. It’s pathetic.   

NO! There’s only one person who can be Mad Eye Moody:

I know we have our differences, but I agree with you here.

Reasons for why the world blowing up coming an episode after Gravitonium is reintroduced after four seasons. Funny timing.

I noticed Enoch specifically mentioned Coulson, May, and Simmons as the ones that are going to save humanity. Maybe that’s why Mack and Yo-You stay behind? They lead the revolution, and the three of them do something down on the surface.

Kasius continues to be a fantastic villain. Given how wretched his brother was, I

The Fitzdignation was an absolute high point of the episode.

My baby DID NOT NEED a conk. Just to be clear!

Also true.

I’m double woke, I would never shame anyone for smoking either.

“If you hear me talking about white Jesus or white Santa one more time, say ‘Where you going, racist ass?’”

I think asking a bunch of 9 and 10-year-olds to unpack the rationale of 17th-19th century slaveowners and the governments that permitted the practice is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve seen today. Shit, good on the kid that the answer was “there is no good thing” but on bad things...chores? If you’re going to ask such