How fucking dumb did you feel trying to pretend that even half of these people are actual comedians, and not just rape victims or whatever
How fucking dumb did you feel trying to pretend that even half of these people are actual comedians, and not just rape victims or whatever
It’s cool, we hate you, too. And if you tried to roll up on me, I’d stub that shit out on your stupid face
I just wish we had eugenics’ed this ruprecht guy’s obviously retarded seed
Your cousins sound like some staight-up, bitch-made pussies of the higest order. i’m glad they’re dead.
pretty much constantly since i learned the truth abt giant slugs
I mean, talk about aggressively mediocre opinions on dumb-ass shit
man, shut up or at least stop boring everybody with this dumb trash
Yeah, you seem kind of dumb for feeling this way. To me, at least. But, yeah, dumb.
Nah, I’m going to instead deafault to calling the a “mediocre-as-shit take”
If anyone needs the combat dive, its my homegirl Ana. She even does on in a highlight intro. ugh
I’ve heard that Hayter is a player in the Bryan Singer pedo ring? I know he co-wrote an x-men movie with him
i mean, im mixed and even i get jealous
Nah, they’ll just come at your unprepared offspring
Or putting an AR-15 in your bookbag or whatever the kids these days think is cool
goddam, this site is such salted caramel sipping becky trash, it boggles the mind
Im guessing Logan
Japan is dumb as shit
Like, is Cameron Esposito really who we are going to have speak for us? I’d prefer a sentient pair of Ugg Boots