
Cool, I’m glad that where people want to put their genitals is worthy of 20 paragraphs, but what I want to know is, when will this representation be less hamfisted and trite, or does that go hand in hand with how ludicrous attaching ones’ identity to who/how one fucks is?

Shut the fuck up nerdlinger

Yeah, yeah, I’m garbage, everyone not you is garbage, we get it

The longer I’ve watched this spectacle unfurl, the more convinced by the day I become that this extreme crypto-facist left contingent is easily as much to blame for this current surrel cartoonland state of things as these hardcore racist christian right wing people. At least THOSE guys are honest.

Where was the vigilance 4 years ago?

No one wants to hear this, they just want to be mad at Trump because it’s easy and they think there is absolution there. Spoiler alert: There isn’t. You are all equally complicit in this, no matter how many comments you’ve posted on blogs and twitter. Complicit. You.

these WB DC superhero shows are ta-raaaash. You Know it, the “fans” know it, I know it. Stop feeding this bullshit mill

Yo, dont even talk shit on Table Tennis.

Not me! The Orville is the best trek since DS9

I feel this and have subsequently made it head-canon

According to some dingbat commentors, congratulations, you are apparently a rapist

blah blah blah outrage

Yeah except in your analogy, the big reveal about the boyfriend would be the result of another man corrupting her feelings and polluting her mind with, your same hypnotic drugs or whatever you’re saying the hypothetical boyfriend used, but he did it FIRST, and WORSE. So I mean, if you had a way to chemically or

I am!

Its a prerequisite to work for Gizmodo

get im, girls!

omg jezebel suuuucks hippo ass compared to literally every other site in this blogring

Yeah, but Japanese vending machines have obv weighted this statistic

real fuckin talk