
What even the fuck is going on with these people

I’m going to laugh SO hard, when it turns out to be Trump who de-fangs N. Korea. It’ll easily be the dopest, most absurd thing that has happened in history

It definitely was part of the deal

As long as the web-swinging is dope, which it certainly seems to be based off that middle bit in the clip

Rose McGowan is flaming human garbage. I’m sorry for Asia that she’s continuously associated with her

Fun Fact: Rose McGowan was born and raised in the Children of God sex-cult. Y’all should report on that

Be more like Bloose Wirris!

Holy shit, is John Lasseter going to be the metoo that finally knocks this fag off of his high horse? Salut, mr lassiter


we should probably kill him

I didn’t read the article, but from the pic, I hope he was accused of making balloon animals inside of women’s’ pussies

I stand with this big-ass dick

This dude right here is legit the first one to get his skull caved in by the Speaking Shell

I go the complete other way. I’m personally glad that there are still functional cavemen out there. The rest of you people are just food, and I’m sorry you’ll never fathom that until we are already eating you

I still don’t think it’s wrong. Some people just need to get choked out regardless of gender

You people are hurting your boring-ass cause more than anyone else. Sack the fuck up, babies

Plz ignore me, im probably abt to get vanished

what im saying is do better, preempt, stop these monkeys. nvm you will or you wont

btw, im about to probably kill or die for you babies

Please holler back when you qare actually willing to spit back even A small percentage of the blood Ive swallowed for all of you mediocre jqailbait fags