
Everything I’ve read about this game implies that it is probably hot trash. Ima wait, because im kinda smart

Yeah, because the dumb kids with a gun would nevvvver be showing it off to all his boys at every opportunity. That is definitely a thing that never happens


this is why i fucking pay for the internet


Must be nice to be white


No, it’s pretty meh

The original author seems like a pervy neckbeard

That is a correct assumption to make

baise-moi doucement avec une tronçonneuse

hell yeah

It’s a pretty good bit, tbh

I miss the old, actual AVC, instead of this joke that you all are complicit in making it into

You’re all fucking idiots. Im ashamed I somehow clicked this garbage mess

I generally let my penis do the talking, nahmean?

so real XD

This is what happens when you get your opinions from bloggers. You turn into a buzzword bot.

Omg I hate when the attacking side doesnt rush this chokepoint

I’m going to need to see her slam a warm milk while rocking a Fishtown unibrow