
oh shiiiiit thaaaat’s where shes from!

you got wrecked

man, you really dismantled that guy

Case in point.


If the people who write for and comment for this site had their druthers, they WOULD be telling you to stop liking their music, and they wouldnt even really know why theyre doing it, because that is where we are at in this garbage culture

Yeah, police that language, you fucking retard

I met this dude once in tahoe, he talked SO MUCH SHIT on Bioware

They’re dope. It’s fine, really, it’s fine. The proper way to look at it is that if 4 ever drops, then it will just be a super megadope ultrabonus

cool, way to be a pussy

Why not just link to the pboi article and call it a day

This article was boring as shiiiit

She turns on her programming in the S1 finale and goes back for her daughter

It’s generally only “unaffordable” to live in the major metorpolitain areas in America. Anywhere else you generally have options as long as you are willing/allowed to work.

They’re not worthy anyway.


It cracks me up, literally why I come here

but, but, the cookout!

It’s almost as if this site is a tabloidistic outrage mill

Nope! I think the actual opposite!