
hooooly shit I forgot about that stupid summer camp book. what even the fuck with that shit

Where’s Yeezy?


That line made me actually laugh out loud and would have validated this entire episode, if the episode wasn’t already stupidly fun stupid fun

And the next guy, whose name I assume will be Muttergood




This show was a fucking travesty in every possible way, barring the casting of homegirl who played Cylon 6. If the non-initiated even knew how so very superior the source comics were to this trash, they’d be cavorting around this show’s flaming corpse. Fuck this show, fuck bruno heller, fuck you too, probably.

yo what the fuck??

I mean it’s probably not, but youre probably gonna die on the way to the station to contest it, sooooo

It’s weird that you call the dating a white woman thing a trope, when that trope has been playing out in real time over at the Root since his video dropped

There’s a podcast called Cum Town that just straight up jacked the home improvement themesong. It rules

What a stupid newswire


Sunny. How can you not like Always Sunny and in any way profess to enjoy tv comedies?!

Oof. I binged that show, but knowingly, as a test of my tolerance for genre trash. It almost broke me and I came out the other side none the wiser, but kinda down with whichever young Skaarsgard plays the vampire kid

I dropped this show around ep 2 of last season, but I feel safe assuming that Oliver did at least one stupid, pointless flip/cartwheel to dodge something at some point. God, the fight choreography on these CW shows is such fucking trash. It’s like, you’ve got the character and drama game on lock, just spend the extra

I’m related to half of them