
He’s pretty smart. He’s a regular on the Cum Town podcast, which is surprisingly smart given the extents the hosts go to make it the dumbest thing on the internet. It rules.

I just like how they smell

Butbutbut, they’re going to hold a nice little listening session. I heard that there may be solemn, understanding nods of solidarity there!

Jesus, this response isn’t even to me and I’m pretty sure it took a couple months off my life

My understanding is that it was a lot less bloody, but a lot more with the little boy-fucking

HAHAHAHAHA As if that dark period ever ended, and 9/11 didnt open a yawning hellmouth in the heart of our society and national identity, largely exacerbated by cronies like her

Now playing

My 666 hr lucio is loving the ability to actually fight hanzos they way he always shouldve. Also, this:

We live in a disposable society, why should this be any different?

{sighs for 20 years] I mean yeah ok, he’s obviously now just a cartoon at this point, just another of Kim’s implants. lets move on as a species

He didnt just say that shit. No

you know what fuck that, someone should legit die over this. fuck you



I legit can not deal with this. In the year of trump, this is the shit that ima kill someone over

That picture has me so fucking heated

Somone owes this kid a million fucking dollars. fuck you

Yo, what even the fuck

Man, this was boring. I’m sad that I clicked and subsequently read this

Why are you fucking idiots not covering Siren? it’s so much better than this dreck, and is SO much more encompassing of the current Giz media grp agenda

Why are you fucking idiots not covering Siren? it’s so much better than tghis dreck, and is SO much more encompassing of the current Giz media grp agenda