
“Veronica, mija?”

Do you think they fired whoever came up with the dumb pig heart thread? Or did they get promoted to head of the CW’s next fall block?!

Upon further reflection, I’ve come to the conclusion that the secret title for this ep could be “CHEEKTOBERFEST: THE MUSICAL”

lol stupid-ass midge. don’t name your kid midge

Aight Riverdale, I don’t know exactly what we are doing here, but I’m here for it and I hate myself

When you think about it, hunch is a pretty fun word

CeeCee and Schmidt’s daughter is probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed at a kid actor that young. By like, magnitudes of order

Yeah, a bunch of defanged unfunnies, neat. What we need is more “adorkable” comedians, maybe with ukuleles or something, that’ll really fix comedy

youre kinkshaming

stop kinkshaming

Similar thing happened to me with Patrick Stewart once

Let me be the firts to say- BWAAAAA, doo-dah-dodah-dooooooo DAHHHH-doooDAh, (bwamp-a-wamp-wamp-adoo-dahdoo)

So do we all understand how uselessly fucked we are? Like, how do you actually beat something like this? You just cant

got-DAMN, av club is hot garbage these days


I kinda faded out on this show for a while, came back 2 weeks ago, and am legit astounded at how much shitter it has become; which is no small feat considering the shit that it used to be. what happened? I though it got good?

i get that people dont want this show to be cancelled, and I get why but, stop trumping this show up as if it has been more than it is. this show is ass, just like most of these superhero properties, and it needs to be significantly less ass in any one direction, be it plotting or action or spectacle or whatever, for

Are you really that dumb that you would actually believe that? Do people like you not see this trump debacle for the blessing that it really is, in that it separates all of the maniacs on the right AND left, from the rest of us, who are just trying to live and be nice to each other in the best ways that we can, with

Welcome to gawker!
