HAHAHAHA of course they won’t, at all. Do people actually believe that anything in hollywood is going to change? Like, ya’ll dont get that the women in hollywood are just as complicit in this? That’s mad funny to me
HAHAHAHA of course they won’t, at all. Do people actually believe that anything in hollywood is going to change? Like, ya’ll dont get that the women in hollywood are just as complicit in this? That’s mad funny to me
This article suuuucked
omfg get over it, dark jokes are fun
Link to the vid, SPOILER ALERT
trust me, a LOT of people in Overwatch are doing it wrong.
what a dumb comment
i hath been slewn, good sir or madam
Six more words: Vin Diesel In a Wig, Ya’ll
yeah, i get what you’re saying, but the man kinda tends to deliver the goods in those situations?
I’m so happy that we are finally hitting peak outrage on the internet. I look forward to the lashback against all of the kneejerk simps both on this blogring, and in the world at large. Y’all had a shot and you blew it, retards.
yall are hella dumb yo
Why Is This Considered Content?
They shouldve just called that shit “MacGuffitonium”
Last week’s didn’t go over well with the reviewer. Most of us loved it.
What a fucking bangin cover!
Stop trying to justify your trash take on last week’s episode, lol
2002 internet was lightyears fucking better than this fee-fees fest
Yeah, that wasnt a drop kick