
It looks like a photoshop job.. some of those lines don't make sense and parts look almost pixelated. Of course this could be thanks to the atrocious design of this horrible idea, but it looks whack. Any other angles?

G8 GXP is indeed a nice ride.. were they produced in meaningful numbers at all? Available to purchase?

Photoshop. Right? Please say yes. 

For all the hype Jalopnik put around Forza Horizon, it was an immense let-down. I sold my copy after 2 weeks. I'm not a game developer so I have no idea what kind of hurdles and constraints the team had to work within, but I don't understand why they couldn't use the existing Forza physics in Horizon. In my opinion

Why will this succeed when the G8 didn't? 

Excellent question! Nothing is solved with an electric parking brake, and what was previously a simple and effective mechanical system is now a complicated electric one, no doubt consisting of more expensive and failure-prone parts.