
Working the El Crab Catcher on Kaanapali beach on Maui. A polite and (I’m pretty sure) unintoxicated couple is having lunch. I have to add the beach view is great, the ocean, the sand...

The international breakfast is a half-waffle

“Here, we see a server remove the packaging from a frozen cheesecake that arrived on truck this morning to be thawed in a cooler. And so begins and ends our tour of Obscene Selection of Cheesecakes.”

I find him so fucking charming and adorable.

I worked for a notoriously high-calorie, large-portion casual dining chain that specialized in having an obscene selection of cheesecakes on their dessert menu.

“liquid John Mayer song”

Exactly. I don’t care about your “good” intentions. I care about the actual badness you add to the world, whether you intend to or not.

This! Racism exists separately from intent. You don’t have to think something you’re saying is racist for it to be super racist.

Shit in the sink. It’s the right thing to do.

Neighborhood Facebook groups are no joke

I’m sort of torn here. A part of me is like, chill out ladies, it was just a stupid Facebook post. And another part of me thinks that if my niece’s or nephew’s caregiver went on Facebook talking about how they don’t like kids and/or dealing with a lot of kids, I might suggest that my brothers find a new place to take

mostly other women calling her a “dumb bitch” or accusing her of having “bubonic plague,” for some reason

yo, a lilly dress with a nascar jacket over top, on a fat woman, sounds HELLA COOL

Did your dad take photos of him smiling every animal he killed. I hope not. Because the fact that she celebrated killing is the sick part.

That’s the thing! My same reaction to that girl who shot the giraffe “for the villagers”. Even if you are “helping”, how can you be so happy about it?

As someone who grew up on the awesomeness that was the DC Animated Universe, it breaks my heart to see how lackluster this all is. The Justice League has a lore that’s just as rich and crazy as The Avengers, and yet it’s probably gonna be wasted by the utter ineptitude and greed of Warner Bros.

Control and forcing her to keep him in her life. She’s very publicly moved on from him and sounds like he doesn’t like that. If the gossip rags are right, he was a controlling asshole throughout their relationship.

Respectability is so overrated.

I actually follow this advice. Mostly because I can’t fall asleep when I am angry. And I like sleep

I think it’s practical because being angry screws with my sleep pattern then the next day I am grumpy as hell.