
I'm so proud of these women for coming forward and sharing their stories. I hope all of the "where were they with their accusations 30 years ago????" people can begin to see that rapists usually TARGET victims who they are most likely to get away with raping. Cosby didn't go around drugging just any woman he felt

Okay, just when I thought he couldn't get more creepy.

better shot of the texture!

Amazing - if Lupita didn't exist she'd be my best dressed. But for now I'm thinking Rosamund Pike wins the silver.

Well then you'll totes agree that Lupita looks INCREDIBLE and is by far the best dressed of this show, this year, and this life. #PEARLZ

Agreed, and this looks like a sack.. I think we have the same awesome taste.

I really want to hate her but this dress is amazing. She needs to get rid of her stupid bangs, though.

JFC when Adam Levine talks I want to bash my head into a wall.

He's got "resting stoner face"

What the everloving fuck is happening here

I'm gonna have to give a hard pass on this. I like the waist, but the rest is fuuuugly. Looks like a dress that girl who was 15 going on 30 would've bought at FT Casuals for high school homecoming.

She was on Real World San Diego. I have no idea how she got here.

They were raised in Islamic families.

I'm pretty sure that anyone willing to move to a war zone won't shy away from forging a signature.

I bet they think they will be put up on a pedestal and be treated better than men. They will be chivalrically worshipped from afar until they choose some handsome warrior who will be true and kind to them. And, of course, he will be super romantic in between all the fighting and beheadings.

Don't forget your toothbrush!

I'm pretty unsentimental, cynical guy, but whenever I see a pic of that kid I just feel good.

can someone show me the content of one of these tumbler pages?

Nutella? You think you are going to fight civilization itself and get to keep your Nutella? Fuck you ya dumbass skanks, Nutella is not for nihilists.