
Just coming to pay my respects and mourn the loss of the one thing I believed in.

I assumed this was reverse pregnancy:

Also, I love that you're putting "little kind nonsense" on to the women (as if we aren't infantalized enough in this society!), while completely ignoring the really scary behavior of these men.

Way to go! You look like a clueless, sexist asshole! You're part of the fucking problem, dude.

I've read most of the response to your question, and also your responses to them. The problem is that you asked a question to which you were not really interested in answers. You "asked" just so that you could answer it yourself and share how you think the world should work with everyone. You were not really

A married man lecturing women on how to interact with men because He Has One Now is pure scumbaggery.

LOL. You don't know shit about hurtful comments. You know what's hurtful? When 100 women share their experiences and knowledge with one man who supposedly asked a question that he actually wanted answered and he refuses to believe them. You are blowing all of these people off, essentially telling them you think they

You have systematically ignored or dismissed dozens of women who engaged with you civilly and politely, explaining exactly why your demand that women overtly respond to every single man who messages them on dating sites is unreasonable. You have not come up with any sort of response to them as to why you think they're

No lie, I would probably wait in Herald Square until the heat melted my flesh off if I thought I might see Idris Elba.

I'm extremely judgmental about anyone, male or female, that tries to make their mistakes other people's responsibility. It's not about you being male, it's about the fact that the way you phrased your initial response seemed to be indicating that your dehydration was due to her rudeness (that's what it is, it was

On that last part about the tirades going away quicker if you don't respond, you're completely right! I've done research on interpersonal violence and stalking and had experts in the field tell me that ANY contact with the stalker, encouraging or not, is taken as encouragement and fuel for the behavior to continue. So

It's neat how you started out by minimizing the totally absurd and unacceptable behaviors of these men, made a ridiculous demand about how women act on dating sites, and then have totally ignored dozens of responses that were polite and made a perfectly clear case for why women don't need to act the way you wish. And

Hahahahahaha calling these guys "a bit over-sensitive" is such a hilarious and tremendous understatement that I literally laughed out loud.

You "don't have any interest in participating in discussions that are going to devolve into screaming and shouting?" You mean like women who don't answer texts because they have no interest in participating in a discussion that is going to devolve into screaming and shouting? Huh. If only there was some analogy

Hahaha, you "disagree with dishonesty". Well that's nice, I disagree with being a disgusting, mysoginistic, violent piece of shit.

Oh, come on. COME ON. You are being weird and whiney right now. No one is condoning standing people up. It's a dick move. NO ONE CARES YOU ARE MALE. NO ONE. Not one person. It is neither here nor there. You are making this about you because you are entitled and a little deluded and really, really bad at staying

I don't give two shits about your sex. I do think standing someone up is shitty. I have no idea if her cat really did get lost. I don't care. Standing outside in the heat for two hours and not getting a drink shows a real inability to care for yourself on the most basic level and that has NOTHING to do with that woman.


Already on top of it!

He doesn't want to talk to you. You should keep replying to him for the next several days. Let him get a taste of what women experience.

This reminded me of my favourite story from Overheard in New York
Two kids on the subway:
"So I think I'm going to join a gang."
"Yo man, which gang?"
"The Aladdin Kings."
"Yo, what the fuck kind of Disney gang is that? It's the LATIN KINGS, man. LAAA-TIIIIN KINGS".