
I have the same reaction to R. Crumb, even though academically I know he's a good artist. It's like a physical aversion.

The white crap you see in the oil is probably microemulsions of air (and saliva) created by the cavitation as you violently swish the oil back and forth.

They also left out Jonathon Winters. Also being snarky about a memoriam is tasteless. Use some discretion when it comes to snark. Everything doesn't need it. Shame on you.

Oh, I disagree. I think that it's a great dress for her, she has the slight frame that one needs to pull off a slightly shapeless dress like that and I think that it's a very whimsical look in a cool, nonchalant way. The colors look great on her! It's actually the only look that I did like out of this whole bunch.

No one should make or serve anything with "congealed" in the name.

Thanks. It doesn't air here for another hour dickhead.

"Handjob watching."

Poutine is not made with gravy and mayo for fucks sakes.

I found a hidden dick in Garden State...

Right after the Shetland Pony Sweater DLC.

...I found the idea so ludicrous I didn't give it a second thought.

His response sounds palpably bitchy to me.


"She's also an outlier in that at 5'4" and 105 lbs, her height-weight combination put her slightly below the threshold doctors who use the BMI scale would consider "healthy." She's also below what Weight Watchers would consider healthy for her height."

Interesting. So when it comes to overweight people, BMI is garbage

Oh he can't be the worst Jeopardy! contestant...

Maybe he's not playing the game so people at home can have a good show and play along? Taking out the daily double early on so your opponents can't use it seems like a decent strategic move. Sure if you can capitalize on the DD by increasing your score at the same time, that's a win win, but at least it's gone. What

I dont see the issue. I always wondered why people didnt just choose the highest wager in a category to begin with. It seems like you are giving away points if you dont.

I wonder how Trebek feels about this. In the clip he seems irritated and is making excuses so the casual viewer will think the guy is doing something other than what he is really doing.

Does anyone have an overseas link?

405??? Whatrudoinhere?