When Beckham hauled in a short out route for four yars, Rhodes hit him on his way out of bounds.
When Beckham hauled in a short out route for four yars, Rhodes hit him on his way out of bounds.
If the Sixers had fans I’d say they’re the perfect team for this, especially now that they’re going to get the same results as Tankapalooza while actually trying to win.
Yeah, except it didn’t suck and leave everyone disappointed.
“I support Hillary because she will build on the legacy of my good friend, President Barack Obama. I believe in what President Obama has done for our country and support her commitment to continuing that legacy.”
Levi’s Stadium security is elite.
So many salty, salty New England fans in these comments. Their tears are delicious.
You can’t call it a power problem and ignore it’s white people who have that power.
You’re ignoring the selection bias.
Exactly. So many arm-chair cornerbacks convinced they would avoid these accidental hits with their cat-quick reflexes.
I think you are expecting way too much from the defender, there appears to be about a full yard’s distance between the players when the catch is made and then the receiver’s trajectory brings him in directly line with the defender before he even has a chance to complete a full stride. It’s not a “safe” play by any…
Neither: Hail Marys.
This was a really, really, stupid game, but it was glorious.
“They are officers that shouldn’t be in uniform,” Robert Mann, the victim’s brother, told the Sacramento Bee.
The point was the media would all pick it up and show it to the nation while saying “Oh that crazy genius Jim Harbaugh, what monkeyshines will he think of next.” And he can sleep well tonight after getting off on the fact that, whether he wins or loses, he’ll be having his dick collectively sucked by the sports media…
Is it a job requirement for UT coaches to appear orange at all times?
Say what you will about his commentary, but he has a fantastic drafting record to hang his hat on.
If only someone had tweeted at Hitler to go fuck himself.
I can’t wait to read the oral history of this comment!
My dad used to regale us with stories of him drinking Narragansett in college. I always wanted to have one, but it was out of production. Then they finally started making it again, and I bought a case for our 4th of July party and proudly gave an ice-cold one to my dad. "This tastes like shit, son" he said. "Just like…