As an enlightened human being, I am concerned about the future. I have two adult daughters and one son. I worry about their safety. I’m Caucasian, their mom is Filipina but my kids get mistaken for Hispanic all the time.
As an enlightened human being, I am concerned about the future. I have two adult daughters and one son. I worry about their safety. I’m Caucasian, their mom is Filipina but my kids get mistaken for Hispanic all the time.
Good for you for taking a stand! I’ve toyed with skipping it, but it’s the only time I can see my nieces. It’s mostly just my dad anyway. My mom has a gold medal in cognitive dissonance and is an unabashed Buddhism co-opting, republican, state-employed therapist who says her biggest concern with the government is…
My wife and I signed up to work at the food bank yesterday. It was great both because we got to feel like we were doing something helpful and because I got to shut off my brain for a few hours and just move boxes from point A to point B. I’m definitely going to be volunteering a lot more from here on out.
The best thing I ever did with my abusive family is I stopped visiting during the holidays. I know it’s completely different for everyone, and it wasn’t political. I’m just sharing what worked for me. I didn’t get into an argument. I simply phoned my sister to say I wasn’t coming. It forced them to talk to me civilly…
I’m still angry and will be for years. We had a chance to progress in this country but people would rather still live in 1800. We will never fucking progress.
I’m a minority, and I learned a long time ago that the way you fight back against this sort of thing is just to keep on swimming (to steal a phrase from Dory). Racists are just bullies, and bullies are mostly talk. Especially these days.
The mourning period had to end! I have the privilege of being white and most folks here don’t read me as queer, even though I am a witchy soft-butch dyke. So I feel safe leaving the house. Yesterday I protested in my rural community, today I am making zines and posters for my one-woman guerilla propoganda effort. My…
My white coworker said the black security guard called her racist when she said she doesnt see why people get upset over the confed flag. she said black people feel bad because slaves existed a long time ago but it was so long ago and its not like she feels bad because white people were slave owners.
I’m in the military, a woman, a Latina immigrant and an officer. Whether I’m leading a group of Soldiers/Marines/Sailors/Airmen or just in a meeting, I am frequently the only woman or one of only 2 in the room. I’m certainly the only Latina immigrant within my unit’s leadership right now. It’s always a challenge to…
YES! I am resolved to do the same. I’ve let my dad’s racism and sexism pass in order to avoid conflict and enjoy the small amount of time I get to spend with my whole family. Next time he uses the n-word (always under the guise of telling a story, repeating the dialogue of others, so HE isnt really saying it) or goes…
My wife and kids serve food to the poor once a month. Have done it for years. Just because it’s the right thing to do.
So in an online discussion about Trump, I had a couple of rabid supporters trot out their finest “beta male pussies” rhetoric at me because, y’know, I’m weak minded and whatnot.
I attended the protest in New York yesterday. It felt great. I’ll go to another one, and another one after that. Anyone who doesn’t like it and wants the tell me it’s a waste of my time can go fuck themselves. I’m exercising my First Amendment right - to paraphrase what Rosanne Cash said on Twitter earlier today, it’s…
My household is moving forward in its resistance. My wife and I went to the first public gathering of a newly minted anti-bigotry group in our hometwon that pledges to fight everyday prejudice and offer physical sanctuary in our own homes (luckily Utah is shockingly a sanctuary state). I am reaching out to Trump…
Not standing for that shit for me will be raising my kids not to be assholes. They learn from what they see and hear. Sadly, some feed off of hate and fear-it’s a learned behavior passed on from bigot to future bigot.
I live in a predominately latino suburb of NYC and I put a Not My President sign in the window of my living room, but it’s high up and idk if anyone can see. I want my neighbors to know that I am on their side. This week, when I saw the children walking home from school I wanted to hug them all and tell them it would…
I just posted that there are threats of violence in our schools, and that men are joking about hunting democrats and gays this year instead of deer.
I was at the Las Vegas protest pictured in the article header last night and it was such a powerful, positive display of our collective voices. Standing amongst a crowd made up of a great number of latino families chanting “Si se puede” beside the Trump hotel is a memory I’ll never forget. For the first time this…
There’s something to be said that Making America Great Again should mean that we don’t take our rights and those of others for granted and we continue to stand up for what is right.
Thank you, I needed this. I’m not out of the grief stage yet, but I know that I’ll move on to the next stage eventually, and I’ll re-read this when I’m there.