
Good thing the ACLU is focusing on this and not pointless issues like growing police militarization and general disregard for US citizen rights by officers. It's not like that is a current hot issue.

Kickstarting a game just seems like a worse version of preordering to me, I don't understand how people can rail against the latter but praise the former. Both are pretty stupid but at least with a preorder you know you're sure to get something in return for your money.

I never understood how they hired someone to design characters who admitted to never playing the original mega man games. Even though she is gone it still seems like a major failure on fundamental levels from what I've read.
At least new shovel knight dlc is coming out.

Probably the best metroidvania, 2nd best overall castlevania game next to super. It's sad that there probably will almost definitely never be another classic castlevania again.

America's sweetheart DJ dougpound finally returning to our screens!

Taz was briefly a member of Fu Shnickens IIRC

Only the early 90s-era "urban" fashion-clad ones. Those shirts were the fashion equivalent of watching Looney tunes on mute with an Onyx slam cassingle blaring in the background.

It would be nice if we lived in a world without war or starvation too, but humans gonna human.

The only way to reverse this trend is ubiquity, which Android has done to a degree. The problem is the same as Occupy in a way; Too many people thinking too many different things individually assuming a single ideological standpoint is uniform with their entire personal body politic (ex. progressive stack).

Apple Corp is a clear example of how marketing can trump objectively better products.

Once Disney completes their directing robot these guys are so screwed.

You reading this and ALL OTHERS IN THESE COMMENTS know Pill is a TRUE AND HONEST war hero and would have been honored if it wasn't for those comments he made about ewoks!

Pretty offensive to call out features in a public forum like a toy isle in such a fashion.

Apple paid handsomely for this product placement.

Sounds interesting, nothing mind blowing though.

So he's like the Wu's version of Nas in that respect?

So how long was it between the initial kickstarter finish date and finished product? And the initial monetary goal and eventual payout?

I usually don't care about these remakes, but a Christmas classic like gremlins reboot really sticks in my craw. Fuck you America.

I'm pretty sure that's what happens when you drop it in the toilet.

It would be cool (ie never going to happen) if they went the route of solondz' palindromes and used a slew of different actors of different ethnicities and body types. It would be batshit insane and they would have the total support of my ~700mb of hard disk space months after release.