
could be, but that doesn't change the fact that they almost completely copied the format of their presentation from apple. Employees doing dramatic talks on a white background,

So sony went completely apple on their conference? I actually never owned anything else than playstations (1,2,3,psp) but the amount of copy is painful to watch...

To be able to perform most of these tasks, a powerful cpu is not needed. Unless you are working with massive datasets, SPSS will run on almost any device, give or take a few extra seconds for processing. If you have a charging station nearby that is helpful. But if you don't need to be as mobile (since you have the

But this is exactly my point. The surface pro is NOT an ipad with a better processor, it's an almost-laptop with less battery. I am 100% sure there is a niche for this product. But in the spirit of this article (products that are rip-offs) i think the surface pro has a perfect place. It's marketed as being a product

I hope you are not discriminating against people who like to type/talk a lot? ;)

What does the CPU matter if the device is most likely not going to use the power in the first place?

It's racist to say that an indian person sounds like another indian person? At most it's making fun of their accent. To my knowledge accents have nothing to do with races.

I think that the issue with apple is part being spoiled and part being unfair.

That is such a blatant exaggeration. Where do i state that if the writing is in arabic, not even related to the religion of the wearer, that it has to be a terrorist?

awesome. although to make it perfect it should have something to conceal the space at the threshold, it's a bit of a giveaway. even something that is part of the frame.

exactly, weird how no-one noticed that. Hard to spot, yes, you'd have to be walking around the house to notice it. But secret? The panels should have been offset instead of aligned with the door.

could not agree more!

I completely agree that any person should be free to express himself and if anyone wishes to be offended by it, that's their problem.

actually, both sides are right and that's what makes this a complicated matter.


actually, they did not,

oil of course implying life as it is fossil phytoplankton, which would be a whopper of a discovery demanding far more research on its own merits. But i agree, if there would be a commercial incentive you'd have an incredibly large corporate jump into space-exploration.

msn messenger is being closed down, everyone has to migrate to skype, skype already has some facebook integration. Facebook already has some skype integration.

If everything is done on the phone, i wonder why grocery lists, magnets, calendars and pictures still go up on the fridge.

nor water