
in that case, shouldn't you have have used ':)' instead of ':/' ?

I think the point is that apple doesn't use it as a full-fledged, in-your-face gimmick, but to polish the smallest of elements in a way you wouldn't notice unless you looked.

Because i find product better based on a lot of experience?

Do you work for google/microsoft? I actually have my own software development firm and thus have some experience with dozens of laptops.

I spend an insane amount on both, the non-apple products lasted half the time and had far more issues than the apple products ever did.

Ive gone through over 10 laptops, my last one is a macbook pro and it does NOT wear the same. After two years it's as good as new, monitor hinge is as new, no scratches, dents, burst/bent plastic. Macbooks are not measured by their specs only. It's a merger of a lot of smart design. In the end, that is what you pay

It's pretty relevant for developers (this IS WWDC).

It might be the resolution of the video stream, but did i see that there is no trackpad 'square' beneath the keyboard?

they borrow both ways. Android came to market a bit later and borrowed from apple heavily and apple borrowed features from android in return.

Whatever you want to post on facebook is up to you, the consequences are, in return, for you to accept too. The only messages on facebook i do not understand are supporting messages for people who are going through something difficult (hospital, sickness and the likes).

Most of the battery drain from a monitor comes from the lighting, on a dual display setup as shown over the past few days, will most likely use the same light source for both directions.

"I don't see these things being as amazing as they say."

The rampant monster of american political correctness...

When i am abroad, i always want to skype with my dog,

Tilt-unshift! (is that even a term?)

I would argue that it's not the external subscription issue, but the sex-filter that's blocking these apps.

Although i am sure you are 100% right and i am the dumbass that fed the troll, i also still see people nominate 79-year-old people with a family for a darwin i wouldn't be surprised that a lot of people still are convinced that the above image is correct.

it's called football because when it was named a lot of sports were played on horses. Since these sports were played on foot, it was called football. Not because of the limbs used to move the ball.

Thanks! It's really starting to get annoying to see all these darwin award nominations where none is in place.

You can see the outlines vaguely since they persistently have more dark pixels, but what is more interesting is that the vague image becomes a bit clearer when the camera moves (anyone know why this happens?).