
Maybe he's a Ninja Turtle in disguise? My money's on Raphael!

The Lord of the Rings movies definitely were the beginning of blockbuster December movies, at least in the last 10-15 years. The Hobbit movies too, despite them being not as good.

Yeah, I'm all for coming up with new things for these characters to do but not if it's just some lazy by the numbers script when they could have just looked up the decades of source material for reference. Does anyone know what anyone's deal is in these movies other than Xavier, Magneto, Wolverine and Mystique?

Also let's not forget the alien frontwoman of the Max Rebo Band Sy Snootles!

If FF ever returns to the MCU I feel like they could be still a science adventure team from the 1960s that simply disappeared in a dimension-hopping experiment to the Negative Zone gone awry and eventually make it back to our modern day with only a year or something passing for them, while 55 years have passed in our

I'm still hoping though that Benicio Del Toro's villain in Episode VIII may be a certain blue-skinned Imperial officer…

I'm pretty sure the ads even promoted it's difficulty as a selling point! The guy in the TV ad said something like "You only get 2 chances to succeed in your quest" or something. I was basically like "That sucks!" and skipped it.

As a kid back in the day I once rented Battletoads for a weekend on a Friday and spent the entire weekend trying to beat the Turbo Tunnel level. When I finally did on Sunday my NES reset right after I crossed the finish line. I immediately got up, ejected it and returned it to the video store. I never played the NES

I rewatched this a couple of years ago and yeah, it's a weird movie that only kinda holds up. Mostly in a "Wow, I watched some crazy shit as a kid." kinda way. There are still things to like about it though, and man that James Horner score at the beginning when the title comes up is amazing.

Yeah, it basically points out that this show is not filmed in New York City every time they flash a very specific location on the screen and it's just some generic building, street or CGI Times Square.

I recently got to see a preview screening of Sicario, it's great.

I saw this movie at an afternoon showing one fine weekday matinee after it came out and the theater was mostly empty. It was me, a couple and some other guy. Then 5 minutes in a giggling group of about four or five teenage girls came in talking about Brad Pitt.

As random, reprehensible, and gross as GG Allin's career became, his early stuff with The Jabbers is well worth checking out if you're a fan of punk and 70s pop punk. Really fun catchy stuff, there are a couple of collections of it floating around (Banned In Boston vol. 1 & 2 and the album Always Was, Is, And Always