“I’m gonna spend an extra $34,567 just so it ends on a cool number!”
“I’m gonna spend an extra $34,567 just so it ends on a cool number!”
Factory warranty, not getting your hands dirty, and financing the mod over 96 months are very appealing to most people.
For everyone suggesting these two-doored cars, including the guy that is looking for help:
Putting babies in the back seat of a two door car sucks unshaven scrote-sack.
Having tried both pirate and legit ‘classic’ versions of my choice MMORPGs with old guildmates...the problem for us older gamers isn’t quite so much that we want the social/difficulty/grind of the old games, but more that we want the kind of free time we had back when we could play those games. 40-60 hours a week free…
I do not miss things such as leveling up weapon skill. Get a shiny new axe in a raid after using primarily swords leveling up? Enjoy autoattacking mobs for 4 hours to get your skill maxed out so you don’t miss half your attacks =T
I didn’t get it until I read your comment, so go have yourself a beer and put it on my tab.
I read the comment, didn’t get it, actually left the page, started browsing other pages, then it hit me. So I returned to give a star.
I have to admit that I almost feel bad for attacker, I mean aside from the potential mental health issues there. This is your moment of fame where you dropkicked a 70-year old man from the back and he barely felt your attack.
You wanna know how I know you’ve never driven one?
You forgot to mention the GTI is too fat and safe, the Corvette is too expensive and going mid-engined will cause Zora to roll over in his grave, the Boxster/Cayman’s turbo-4 sounds terrible... God, it’s like you aren’t even listening to us complain, Patrick. This article really missed the mark.
Exhibit 1: “the officer pulled in behind the shuttle as it was dropping off passengers”
Exhibit 2: “Unlike Waymo’s driverless taxis in Arizona, the May machines require an operator to be at the helm for the duration of the ride.”
I don’t get the complaint that a top/high trim smaller vehicle is more expensive than a base model larger vehicle. Almost every car is like that. A loaded Fusion is more expensive than a base Taurus, a loaded Explorer is more expensive than a base Expedition, a high trim Colorado is more expensive than a base…
David’s been rustitutionalized.
even if it only drives about 20 MPH
Is there going to be a podcast format for this series? Seems interesting.
If you like cars, don’t live in an HOA.
In my area, a rust-free body might command that price on the right day.