bah, they shouldn't restore any of the cars. They should reinforce the sink hole, glass over the top, move the cars back in as they sit. The current temp exhibit is nice and its cool that you can get so close to the destruction.
bah, they shouldn't restore any of the cars. They should reinforce the sink hole, glass over the top, move the cars back in as they sit. The current temp exhibit is nice and its cool that you can get so close to the destruction.
costs be damned!! I volunteer my labor. But seriously, I would think something of this magnitude would be done just for human perseverance.
I can't star this enough.
She may be trash, but that's not gonna stop me from look'n at boobies.
Dat Mass! It's like the Costa Concordia with wheels.
Why not just fusion orange?
Sadly, this isn't as good a choice in the real world as it appears on paper. We had one, loved it, it was my wifes favorite car, up until our daughter was born. While it does have incredible amounts of space between the front and rear (lots of leg room) that becomes a huge downside when you have to lift 20-30lbs of…
I had this exact car, bought it in high school for $500 in 6 shades of orange. Was the first car I ever hooned. Fun fact: with power nothing and a five speed you can scare the shit out of your friends by turning the car off at 60mph and tossing the keys to the passenger. Not fun fact: with out keys in the ignition the…
Noooooo Eagle's gonna lose!
There is only one true winner here: AMC Eagle.
But why would the bus driver attack phones?
10 out of 10, would buy. Car should be pink though.
Wow.... Just wow.
I agree with this, I've test driven a Spark expecting it to be crap but I walked away reminded of my old 86 Nova/Corolla 5 door hatch. That being said the 500 and the Mazda2 are still better cars.
This is a tough call, I can't think what would make a hottie with low self esteem drop her panties faster: "Hey baby, want to go for a ride in my Ferrari" or "Hey baby, want to head out to my private island". I guess both would accomplish the same goal...
Ah yes, but can it automatically send out selfies via twitter?
If autobot, Ultra Magnus?