Get ready for the *real* rainbow read to you, motherfckers
Get ready for the *real* rainbow read to you, motherfckers
It’s been a long time since I played it, but didn’t the SP have a mission that was basically the Italian Job except with motorcycles?
In case anyone’s wondering, Ramsay has said that when he was about to bring Kitchen Nightmares over, he asked Simon Cowell for advice. Cowell told him that Americans love bullying assholes, and Ramsay American Style was born.
Looks like she’s using a Switch blade amirite
Didn’t she need a parent or guardian to sign off on it?
Ships aren’t boats. GOOD DAY SIR I SAID GOOD DAY
Probably because the German practice of codetermination doesn’t work with the American corporate philosophy of IGMFY.
And yet somehow the Germans seem to manage it. Strange, that.
Wasn’t this a storyline on The Wire?
One of the first cases was in the early 80s - maker of a Pac Man clone was successfully sued by Atari in US courts.
Are the hotkeys and UI customizable to any extent? Finally?
I’d rather catch COVID.
If you look closely, it reads, ‘Drink Your Ovaltine’.
What if Bernie didn’t hire shit campaign advisors? What if he developed a strategy that was an evolution from and not a repeat of 2016? What if his campaign and supporters didn’t constantly shit on the party he was running for? So many what if’s.
Pictured: Alison Roman giving herself a standing ovation.
There is no Deadspin. There’s a Herbspin, but no Deadspin.
The Lions digging a hole - pretty accurate