
Well that ruins my day 

I still have a crush on Martha Quinn.

I bet he thinks Minnesota is a stand-your-ground state, and the Zimmerman Defense is going to play. Too bad for him that it’s a duty-to-retreat state, and every chance he had to do so, he did the opposite.

That was Laura Ingalls

It was more than an album, it was a tour - where musicians really make their money. She wanted to stiff the local working musicians at every tour stop.

There used to be a website that answered this question every year, but it couldn’t stick to sports smh

You’ve got it right. But the thing to remember here is that *Tesla doesn’t do advertising*. What is a car site supposed to do? Prove its integrity by not running car ads at all? 

If LaBoeuf’s dad really was like the character, it explains a whole lot. Good flick.

They were calling it ‘Boober Eats’ until Uber threatened to sue. Not kidding.


You must not be keeping up on Twitter - he thinks Covid is no worse than the common flu

Wrong person sent the letter.

Are there other motorcycle companies? It would be nice to hear about them instead of only about a dying brand that most riders would choose last. (Sorry HD owners, but you know its true)

Airlines will stick us in plastic bags at the gate before they pay for safety upgrades. 

I, too, have exited bathrooms and announced, “NOBODY GO IN THERE, THERE’S A GHOST!” People told me to light a match or open the window, but I don’t know what that has to do with ghosts.

Smacked it against all the crap on the island.

Now playing

For my money, Chris Stapleton’s impromptu cover of ‘Nothing Compares’ is hard to beat.

You’re absolutely right, but it’s autocorrect’s fault. I swear.

To be fair, if I saw some guy walking down the street in that I’d give him plenty more than six feet of distance.

Fun Fact: You can be a symptomatic and spread the disease