Of course don’t use hand soap to wash produce - but a drop of Dr Bronner’s will do the job.
Of course don’t use hand soap to wash produce - but a drop of Dr Bronner’s will do the job.
I’m as happy to watch fools hurt themselves on the internet as much as the next idiot, but as D Walker already said, tasers kill. They’re not cool toys to mod for fun.
The NYT is a solid paper until it comes to something that matters. See: Judith Fucking Miller and But Her Emails. It’ll fuck over America again, soon enough - you don’t have to consider yourself a progressive to know that.
Yes, if there’s a stock that’s ripe for shorting, it’s definitely Gamestop with it’s massive sub-$5 share when the markets are taking historic losses.
Those lapel pins would be unconstitutional in any state not controlled by idiots.
If Powell’s closes...man, that’d be a heartbreaker. I grew up in that place.
As noted in the post, the best way to have handled it would be to have the local supervisors and HR departments do it. I was in a volatile industry, have seen more than one layoff at companies ranging from a few dozen to thousands, and not once did the CEO send a video link to tell people they’re fired. It’s…
Is it better to complete DC before going to NYC? I’ve finished the main game before, so missing story parts isn’t a big deal.
Don’t get excited, she probably thinks dubstep is really cool and amazing, too.
Hie thee to Aerostich and get a Roadcrafter suit. Well worth the $$$, handmade in sunny Minnesota etc. I had a 90 min highway commute for a year; everything covered by the Roadcrafter remained warm and dry (and in hot weather the venting works well).
It’s like my mom used to say: “Knock that off before somebody gets hurt. Now come inside for lunch.”
Because Armageddon starts with a war in Israel; these nutbags want their Rapture, and President Jabba is just the sort of vain idiot they could get to start one.
He floated the possibility of travel restricting Washington and California, so I think you’re a furriner now.
I wonder if this is going to change the value of E3. It’s possible that next year’s will be cancelled too, and the big players might learn that doing their own thing is a lot better than dumping money into trade show.
I get you now, and i can’t argue against there being a certain amount of same ol same ol - familiar names being floated for various cabinet positions, or zombie neoliberal theories rising from the grave again. But we have regressed so far in 4 years, there’s a strong argument to be made that even going back to 2016 is…
You don’t think Biden would do better than DeVos, an oil lobbyist and Little Lord Pompeo? Seriously?
I guess I think of 1990s SNL where they would abruptly end sketches they didn’t have endings for, and figure at least the vomit rig shows some effort.
Mid 80's Rabbit GTIs and Sciroccos still hold a special place in my heart.