clowncone is an evergreen example of how stupid dot com boom money was. Bulk pet food subscription that I paid to have delivered at UPS rates? Brilliant! Take all this money!

The guy is a known wingnut stunt activist who had a youtube channel of him pulling the same crap at mosques and synagogues. Maybe your blog can dedicate a few words about that.

‘End stage capitalism’ is better because it sounds like a terminal illness.

The majority of scientists at that link are arguing that it’s hard to determine, and it could be *higher* as well as lower. But good luck with your ‘Better Sorry Than Safe’ approach.

Hmm. I don’t think ‘judgment’ is correct here, as it’s a court order based on the settlement agreed to by both sides. Basically an official stamp. Seems more like Echo Fox threw Rick Fox under the bus to end the suit.

Pfft. I use a plug and all my shit is expelled as internet comments.

Better hole saw tip: Place a piece of scrap wood under your work piece. When you saw through, the scrap will prevent tear out.

shh i told them i was sick

Finally, there’s a picture for 50-60

They were in California so the answer is, “Ride a motorcycle”.

But if you’re going to spend $8.3m on a house in SF, Presidio Heights is the place to do it. Given the choice between insufferable tech bros and snooty old rich people, I’d go with snooty old rich people. 

Now playing

Not interested in “Go!”, but it reminds me of “Go”, which is due a rewatch. So...thanks?

And if her parents don’t pay the fine? *More* 911 calls.

Worst would have to go to the sudden-accelerating Audi 5000. It did pretty much kill Audi in the US market until the 90s

Too generous? That’s what it should be. Steam’s 2-hour playtime limit is bad, especially for strategy and building games. Take Total War, for instance. It takes at least a dozen hours to decide whether you want to wait for patches for the next year, or return it and wait for the Emperor Deluxe Addendum Corrections

Starbucks is BYOPC

So are they charging for PC time or using it as a loss leader? It may seem like a kind of stupid question, but we’re talking about Gamestop.

Is there a mod that inserts dialogue from Deadwood? Somebody get on that.

Hey, however you have to justify loving a crap chicken sandwich with a side of institutional bigotry; you do you.

It’s French, subtitled and a bog standard old buddies/father & daughter road trip flick, but you get an impression of what it’s like rattling across the Sahara in one of these.