Any one of the easily available and relatively cheap 3-500 hp cars - Mustangs et al. - is far more dangerous to a rider than the 200hp he may be sitting on. Driver’s *cellphones* are more dangerous to riders than a big bike.
Any one of the easily available and relatively cheap 3-500 hp cars - Mustangs et al. - is far more dangerous to a rider than the 200hp he may be sitting on. Driver’s *cellphones* are more dangerous to riders than a big bike.
They stopped giving to two. Read the link and you’ll see why it’s just a drop in the bucket.
Chik Fil A does more than give donations to homophobic groups. The whole company is a cult.
Now I want a croquette or Japanified corn dog.
But there’s still only one day a year you can stand a broom upright, correct?
Teens like to think of themselves as 20something regardless of the fact they’re not. Did you not go through that age range?
Lee Atwater was behind this somehow
I concluded long ago that the internet makes smart people smarter and dumb people dumber.
Flew back to his home planet.
“We started with Jay Leno’s chin and let the design grow from there”
Is he going to jack up the starboard wing too?
Are you absolutely sure that making them stay in Jersey isn’t a punishment for something?
Creepy, but I’m a strong believer in people grieving in their own ways.
Are you not entertained?!?
Sometimes it’s misogyny.
It’s possible to appreciate his achievements and acknowledge the forces against him while also believing, “Hey, letting a bunch of criminals off the hook was a horrible, no-good very bad idea, considering you can draw a straight line from the ‘imperial presidency’ theory of the Bush GOP to the empowerment of Trump as…
When I hear phrases like ‘increasing diversity’ at the Oscars, I think of Chris Rock’s racist accountant bit.