
“When we actually start selling these, our marketing will be chock full of numbers that tell you what we want you to hear.”

Finally, clothes that are perfect for playing and enjoying video games. Why has no one thought of a tshirt and sweatpants before?

PS Now’s main problem is that it’s always been an ugly stepchild in Sony’s eyes, and therefore will probably never have the money, attention or leadership to properly market itself.

What about a kei van? There are a surprising number of those being used as work vehicles where I am.

When it comes to Democrats, the difference between Jacobin and conservative media is negligible.

If you have to create a website to explain your series, something went wrong somewhere along the way

There’s a nice symmetry to the fact that Harley owners will act like they’re a put-upon minority on the internet, but meet one (or worse, a group) IRL and they treat non-HD riders like they’re not ‘real’ motorcyclists.

The (many) juvenile jokes in Borderlands aside, it’s got solid comedy writing.

The real crime is that Pat Benatar didn’t get in. That’s messed up.

“I’m not a Nazi, but they have some good ideas”

I think he misspelled ‘prosecutable’.

Once you blast his armor off, if you have the Boo+ SMG (quest reward) it’s pretty easy. Just keep spamming the SMG (it’s a thrown shock turret) and the ball will try to take out them out first; will give you enough time to keep moving/dodging.

Trump only called himself a Democrat, he never was one. And believing that Democrats would choose Trump as a candidate is bothsidesing at a laughable level.

Big O? More like Big Y, amirite?

If there’s no negotiating, explain the nuclear deal. The US was the faithless party that sunk that. People marching in the streets, chanting is a problem? How about a leader who openly threatens to commit war crimes on Twitter?

The Jedi addition was the death knell, but SWG was winging it from the beginning. Careers, resource gathering, crafting - nothing seemed to have a real plan.


45 years in one family. I wonder how many kids & grandkids learned stick in this (and how much maintenance the transmission received over the decades).

The real shame is that you’re going to ruin the corner of that hardcover book. But the book will get its revenge when it’s the catalyst for the Xbox to crash to the floor with both y0u and your partner watching TV.

Could be like Putin himself - lurking in the background until it was time to take over.