So the US should treat our citizens like China treats theirs? Okay.
So the US should treat our citizens like China treats theirs? Okay.
You can buy a throttle lock/brake, which is cruise control for m/c. But i’ve done 350mi days, and i’d rather focus more on riding position and grip than something that lets me get lazy with the throttle.
A version without the fur and showing everyone in their green mocap suits would break even at the box office, I betcha.
Our Garbage Infrastructure? More like Our Garbage Drivers.
Seems like the problem is 60+ y/os. Ban boomers!
Everything People Wear In Any Fallout Game
IIRC that was happening at the same time, and it was chicken/egg. But the cast definitely had issues with Long.
Cheers should’ve been a lesson to all. It started getting boring when Sam and Diane got together. So they wrote Diane out. Also, the cast didn’t like Shelly Long.
Imagine how much struggling Native American communities will be able to do with $1.50.
So you’re going to hide in a nice comfy monster takeout container? Cool.
Setting aside, for me it’s got more of a 70s Ralph Bakshi rotoscoping feel and character design.
If this guy is busting into stalls to catch workers sleeping, he’s definitely busted into stalls where workers are just taking a poo, and that seems like the more important story...
And it’s a crime we’re not going to get the annual ‘Things We Got Stuck In Our Butts This Year’ anymore.
Gaming footwear, ranked:
I think homeowner policies in the US come with some general liability coverage. At least that’s what my dad used to yell about when teenage me did teenaging.
Elvis being an honorary FBI agent still outranks Lana Del Boring..
SF does have tall buildings, but they tend to lean to one side after completion and threaten to collapse on multibillion dollar transit terminal projects.
No thanks.
Subset? Not at this point.
Pinochet was such a piece of shit he has his own Wiki page on his regime’s tortures and murders. But you’re probably too young to have lived through it and too much of a shitty person to care.