Clovis Sangrail

I’ve come to believe that zucchini is basically the worst veg to “zoodle.” If you ever feel like trying it again, my favorite by far is kohlrabi, and turnips are pretty good too. Zucchini is always either too firm or too mushy, while well-cooked kohlrabi or turnip noodles do a decent job of having a wilt without being

OTOH, this is all very nice if you like Mediterranean cooking, but kind of a big old nothing otherwise.

I’m here for helping kids avoiding eating to the point of sickness, but IMO parties are exactly the place to let kids eat what they want without policing.

As an ADHD parent and a parent of an ADHD kid, may I recommend radically reducing your routine? Obviously, this won’t work for everyone, but it might be worth a shot just for a little break from the chaos and angst.


That’s a great point. “in my day” everybody gathered around to watch Cheers or The Cosby Show or whatever, and if it got that big, everyone knew about it.

This is so accurate. This happened with music a decade sooner, because the channels of access opened up a decade sooner.

I’m going to assume you got this idea from my comment a few weeks ago about buying coleslaw mix instead of salad mix.

For those who don’t have a lot of $$ and want ot send kids to sleepaway camp, we had great luck with 4-H camp (it’s for 4-h but they accept other kids), which is roughly 1/2 the cost of other options in my area (and they exist in every state). There are also religious camps around that tend to be less expensive than

Or, MSG. Same basic principle.

Two of my other favorite thickeners:

Sadly, a lot of nutritional information gets a dumbed-down treatment so that most people can understand it.

Experience: you can’t really replace it, right?

I thought about that, I did!

This is true, the 70s were a heyday of teen girl rape among rockstars.

I actually keep one teflon for eggs and nothing else. BC I rarely use it, it lasts. But that only works if you rarely use it, otherwise, you go through teflon pans fast, no matter how fancy they are. I’ve tried other things for omelets, and they aren’t as forgiving. But if you don’t make a lot of omelets, no reason to

Yeah, I completely feel you on this one. I have a really good mandolin which makes quick work of a cabbage, so I don’t tend to buy regular slaw mixes but that’s really the only quibble. If you don’t have a shredder, regular bagged slaw is great!

As an aside, Asian grocers are a great source of tinned fish. My Korean grocery store has the best tinned tuna I’ve ever eaten, and lately I’m really into the kimchi tinned tuna (seems like that’s hitting a lot of food trend bingo, but whatever, I’m into it). But they also carry a lot of things you don’t really find

For bagged convenience without the wilty leafy greens, I’m a big fan of broccoli or rainbow slaw. It’s basically slaw made with stalks of broccoli, red cabbage, carrots, and other thing. Just no lettuce.

This was such a heartwarming, considerate response. I really appreciate it.