
I had a co-worker do something similar once. They turned up at work one day looking like an extra from the walking dead, and got worse over the course of the day. Refused to take time off. Day three of that, collapsed at their desk. The bug they were walking off was a heart attack. They’d still be alive today if

Coughcoughcoughhack. Excuse me. Fucking cold. I’ve missed three and a half days of work in the past two weeks and spent the Veterans Day holiday and the last weekend in bed. I get about 3-4 hours sleep a night because the coughing keeps me up. I probably shouldn’t have come in today, but I work for two bosses, and one

My best friend’s mother had a persistent cold for a few months - but worked as a manager at a pizza place, what can you do? She was already immunocompromised because of a chronic disease, but when you don’t have sick days or insurance, you don’t have sick days or insurance.

i was a server when i got swine flu- called to tell my boss (from the ER where i got 3 bags of fluids) and she was so mad i was calling out she hung up on me. servers work sick ALL the time

I have an office job and we get 3 sick days a year. If you go more than 3, it comes out of vacation time and requires a doctor’s note. Really though you’re not supposed to use any. My supervisor had a heart attack on a Thursday last year, and he had to have surgery, and he was back in the office on Monday. Really.

I called out of work Wednesday with a severe stomach bug. My boss actually told me to feel better and it was no problem at all.

Personally, I stay home when I’m sick and I yell at coworkers when they come in sick. I got goddamn strep from my old boss like 10 years ago because he was fucking Supermanning it in August with a horrible sinus infection. I had to go to the doctor for the first time in 5+ years with that one, I wasn’t able to swallow.

So my husband had this co-worker who got sick a couple years back. He was feeling pretty gross, but you know - can’t take a day off! Sick days are for the weak! He starts driving out of town to a job site. He starts to feel really weird and suddenly he’s coughing up blood everywhere. He calls a relative who is a nurse

I got dinged on a performance review for taking a paid sick day when I had bronchitis. I gave up trying to take sick days after that.

I remember working in a place with a three strikes policy. It was food service. Half of the employees didn’t have health insurance and couldn’t afford to go to the doctor for something like a stomach virus, just to get a fucking doctor’s note, because god knows they weren’t going to pay money to fill prescriptions.

True. I’ll dispose of him.

Dude. I live in Chicago and occasionally read Missed Connections for fun and about a year ago I found one about me. It was from a waiter who had served me and a friend a few days before. It was specific enough that I knew it was me and crazy enough that I responded to it. And it was probably one of the WORST dates I

‘You had a nice smile and I noticed you breathing air.’

That usually works.

Us: On Earth, or traveling through its surrounding space.

Because I’m in a bad mood and looking to bait assholes into hanging themselves. :/

One of my friends used to work at a Barnes and Noble in Chicago, someone posted a story about her to missed connections, because he was a regular she was able to figure out who it was (he also mentioned the book he bought) and she let him down gently when she saw him again. (I'm not sure how she found out about it, I

If I were a creepy guy I would just post super vague descriptions to get as many women as possible

I wonder if your attitude had anything to do with you not getting that job? For the last few years I’ve been in unfortunate position of training and weeding out new hires. To be honest if I heard any of my trainees whine like you, I’d probably start having doubts about you.

So are you saying that sexism doesn’t exist, that it’s not as big a deal as women are making it out to be, or what? Women who are paid less than their male counterparts are just less capable or are making it up? A person can just “think” and “believe” themselves out of being discriminated against?

As someone who went through astrophysics school (which by the way, involves ridiculous amounts of coding in addition to the physics), let me tell you: