
That’s not even the metaphor that makes sense. What he’s proposing is actually like keeping children away from all dogs because some of them could be rabid. This dude is a psychopath, for sure, but I’m also wondering if he has dementia and/or a benzodiazepine addiction.

There’s a new Ben Carson narrative I want to explore:

My sister is a nurse and has some low opinions of surgeons. She says most are idiot-savants, and the savant part doesn’t really come into play outside the operating theater. Don’t choose a surgeon for your trivia partner, don’t let them around power tools, and FFS, don’t elect them to represent you! Sorry to offend

By the same token, we have to have in place screening mechanisms that allow us to determine who the mad dogs are, quite frankly, who are the people who want to come in here and hurt us and want to destroy us. Until we know how to do that—

“...which is not the kind of compassion I would expect a former pediatric neurosurgeon to have.”

Every single day in the US an average of 289 people are shot, 86 of them die,

I said that too. The irony that these people reject gun control because it would turn us into nazi germany....turn around and propose something that would actually make us like nazi germany.

A lot of us conservatives are, in fact, mostly focused on smaller, more efficient government on every level, genuine transparency, anti-corruption, national security, the mechanics of capitalism as the true social engine of change, and the like, with the maximum amount of choice in life reserved for the individual.

Usually I say that when people make Holocaust analogies they are being inflammatory and flat out idiotic (“abortion is like the Holocaust” “gun control is what the Nazis did” etc.), but in this case it’s ACTUALLY TRUE.

Skipping past the really obvious horrible things, here... (like the fact that American’s need to remember history such as McCarthyism, Japanese internment camps, and Hitler’s rise to power)

I don’t give two shits about whether or not Trump is serious. It’s more terrifying to see a large number of American voters saying “that’s a good idea!” It appears that many Americans, my parents included, support literal fascism.

I had thought the same thing regarding calling the police, but since we humans are goofy, I wonder if the wearer knew if was going directly to the police, if they would hesitate to use it.

A planned parenthood in Ohio was the only place that would treat me when I was having pregnancy complications with no health insurance. I was visiting family, and just found out I was pregnant the day before I left. I woke up one morning during my visit with intense cramping and severe bleeding. I had no idea what to

Every time I see one of those “We shouldn’t be accepting Syrians until we save our homeless” I sooo want to comment, “Well, what the fuck are you doing to make that happen? Because posting a meme on Facebook sure as shit doesn’t help.”

Yeah, funny that food banks and homelessness don’t come up until other, more repugnant, issues are discussed. I thought the homeless deserved what they got, because personal responsibility? Now suddenly they’re infinitely important because we don’t feel like taking in refugees?

I can’t handle the number of people who fervently believe those videos are real, even after it’s been proven over and over again that they are not. “I don’t care about facts! I believe that they’re real!”

This is like the homeless veterans argument that keeps getting thrown out whenever Syrian refugees are discussed. Why not both? These kinds of things are a miniscule part of budgeting. If we actually gave a damn about homeless veterans, drug and alcohol treatment, food banks, and providing healthcare for low income

Shocking, because from what I’ve seen and read, many of the people who are anti-choice and force women to give birth against their will, are the same people who want those babies to starve because they are anti-breastfeeding. I guess life is good if you’re old enough to eat solid foods.

Pinkham has plans to relocate BCO, announcement pending.

Pinkham has said on twitter that he was let go, he's here until the end of November. On the other hand he's got plans for continuing BCO elsewhere. I recommend following him on twitter for updates.