
I can’t tell which of my posts you’re replying to, but if you’ve read what I’m saying throughout the discussion, you know I’m not trying to keep law-abiding, responsible people from owning guns. I’m trying to figure out how to approach gun control in a way that protects our rights, but also gets illegal guns off our

Soldiers experiencing sexual assault aren’t likely to tell anyone, anyway. If they do, they can experience the same cycle of harassment and abandonment that police whistleblowers do, except the police are in America and the soldiers are in a foreign country dealing with isolation from family, ieds, insurgants, etc.

I mean, I totally agree with you, but this:

My points are still valid. We need more therapists, better training, room for emergency evaluations and treatment at mental hospitals, education on medication and compliance, more awareness of mental illness, it needs to be treated the same as physical injury, and both need to be easy and affordable to treat, so that

Does everyone who owns a gun shoot at an NRA target range? If not, why? Do people always report lost, sold or stolen firearms? If they don’t, and someone is killed with their gun, what happens to them? Do people illegally purchase weapons for other people? Are buybacks advertised on TV and radio? Can someone

First point: This is where mental health care needs to step up to MEET gun laws, not replace them. Currently, mental health is being treated like a privilege. As long as you’re physically healthy, who cares what a mess your head is? Many of the family members left behind by shooters have said “He should have been

No, thank you. For one thing, when you say “modern era”, you are talking about a time when being eaten by wolves or overrun by redcoats was a legitimate fear, and when every citizen effectively WAS a soldier. Amputations were performed with a shit-ton of whiskey and a prayer, women could not vote or own property, or

Pepper spray is absolutely an equalizer. Spray and then run for your life. Yes, I believe she currently has the right, and should have the right, to purchase a gun for her own safety. But she has that right because of the 2nd Amendment, not because it is inextricable from her fundamental right to self defense. She is

Psst... you forgot your ‘/sarcasm’ sticker...

The difference between alcohol and guns being: alcohol primarily kills those who drink it to excess, drunk drivers, and their victims. When used properly and responsibly for it’s intended purpose, alcohol does not kill or wound anyone. Guns’ intended purpose is to kill or wound, whether in self-defense or not. They

Feel free. Still voting in favor of tighter gun control regulations. Maybe one day, you’ll realize that responsible gun owners don’t actually have any reason to oppose gun control. It doesn’t take away rights, it simply protects the rest of society from those who seek to abuse them.

Actually, I have. Many of us have. Federalizing the gun control laws, by which I mean having universal laws throughout the entire nation that are all the same, and close the loopholes at gun shows, and prevent someone from traveling somewhere else to get their arsenal when they are denied at home. Enforcing background

Of course, the point where we lose them is when they start arguing that no regulation will prevent these horrors, and that they still refuse to give up their rights. It’s all or nothing with a lot of them. Either we have ALL THE GUNS, or we have nothing and we’ll be eaten alive by bears and robbers... Their arguments

Where does that idea come from? It’s outstandingly wrong.

Actually, you can. The Constitution is a living document, and can be edited (or, ehem, Ammended) as much as necessary to protect the LIVES of American citizens. You do realize that out of the three unalienable rights endowed to man by our Creator, ‘life’ is listed first, right? So what makes one man’s right to own a

No, most Americans don’t really believe that, or there wouldn’t be so many ammendments to the Constitution as there are, now. I can see where you are perplexed, though, since the loudest of us are often the dumbest...

Some of the people who object to altering that centuries-old document are also people who mock the religious for cleaving so faithfully to their bibles. The comparison flies completely over their heads.

Along with thousands of others who are sick of mass shootings and seeing no effort whatsoever to prevent these horrors, I’m working on it. Thank you.

Might not read what I want it to, or what my Dad wants it to (we disagree), but hopefully someday it will read what the country needs.