
“But-but the Constitution” ... No. Seriously, no. Stop treating the Constitution like it’s infalliable. It’s not. The Second Ammendment was poorly worded, and it needs to be re-written. Badly.

I agree with your comment. In this specific instance (and others not videotaped, I’m sure), one of the victims may also be the man allegedly being forced to perform oral sex on the woman. Another reason “boys will be boys” should be eradicated is that it erases the agency of men who do not consent, because it assumes

People also speak Spanish and assorted other languages here. Not sure which ones. All I did was take a half-semester of French and a half-semester of German and promptly forgot them both. But yeah, #notallPennsylvanians

How about instead of that, and instead of admiring her for ignoring the shame people are heaping on her, you consider the notion that she is wrong? There is a separation of church and state in this country. If she firmly believes God doesn’t want her to give out marriage licensces to LGBT people, then she should step

You do get that THAT sounds bad too, right? It sounds as though you admire her for ignoring the plight of powerless people. That’s not right, Dude.

Icewine. Sooooo delicious! It’s like alcoholic grape juice, seriously. I only drink the really sweet wines and avoid beer. My fav liquor is amaretto. Sweet things yes! Socky tasting things and liquid pine trees no.

Well, technically, she WAS relevant at one point. But hasn’t been for a long time, and it wasn’t until she made the move to transition that she got that level of attention back. Not that she isn’t being a complete tool about it, but she USED to be famous for better reasons than her vapid socialite wife is.

She was there specifically for the job offer, so she wouldn’t have known him without it. Even conventionally attractive guys can blow it if they do something assholish like this. People do meet at work and get together and even get married, but ideally, that would involve actually getting to know each other first and

I just don’t like it because it makes guys look like they have teeny little legs and stretchy alien torsos. But I don’t mock them for it. Not to anyone but my mother, anyway. And strangers online, while hiding behind an anonymous screenname. But still! Making it illegal for men to creep people out with their elongated

Legislature in a lot of states seems to get more time off than schoolchildren. And they make less sense, too.

Why isn’t she already in the process of being impeached?

Use a cookie cooling rack on top of the foil. More things to clean, yeah, but your bacon comes out more crisp and you can save all that glorious bacon fat to cook with, later!

Don’t worry. Everybody will assume she’s a typical rude-ass American, anyway. That is our gift to you, our Northern Brothers.

She ended the article with this perfect line, and you guys had to blow it by responding to this....

Actually, my point was your arrival on the scene with an explosion of rudeness. I don’t have a single problem with anything you said, just the fact that you came in assuming that everyone here was a childish ignorant troll. Seriously, talk about it, explain to us why you love your clients, tell us some of your

“O Yog Sothoth, O Yog Sothoth,
We worship you, O Yog Sothoth
Who’s Santa Claus, who’s Jesus Christ?
We worship Yog, cause he’s not nice
We’ll celebrate with some stray dog
Which we’ll carve up and serve to Yog
O Yog Sothoth, O Yog Sothoth,
We beg you doooo noooot eeeeeat uuuuus.”

Have you read the other posts in this particular thread? Not a lot of hate here. Certainly no ‘torches and pitchforks’. We’re talking to other sex workers and learning about their lives and views, if you want to share yours, feel free. But please relax with the ‘fuck you’s, most of us are actually just here to talk.

It wouldn’t stop rape, but it would make sex workers less afraid to go to the police and report it. Because they wouldn’t be arrested for prostitution. That’s what she’s talking about there.

But you have internet and food! All outside has is sunshine, fresh air, and human socialization. Pfft. Actually, the only new people I’ve met in the last year have been because my kid is SO much more outgoing than me. And I feel terrible about that, because I didn’t know how to make friends with other parents to help

Look, you’re way more invested in this than I am. My conclusion is in my previous two replies. Thanks for addressing my questions, but I don’t want to talk about this anymore.