
I love the USA. Some nice people live there but on a whole bunch of levels it is such a screwed up country.

The tip is almost right but not quite.

As a Brit looking in on the election I am stunned that Romney actually got voted for as widely as he did, especially given some of the gaffs that he made.

O'Leary is a fairly despicable character and pretty much exemplifies everything that is bad about capitalism. He is mean fisted to his workers (plugging in your mobile phone at work to charge it is a sackable offence) and dismissive of his customers (try getting money out of the 'airline' when things go wrong).

Beautiful, just beautiful.

That'll be their hearing gone then.

It looks like a great app. I say looks because sme some dumb reason this isn't available in the UK app store so although there are loads of cities that I might like to visit and use this app for, I can't.

Writing as a crazy Brit and a disabled person (although I'm not from Monmouth, I'm from London), I think this actually sounds like a pretty good idea actually.

I'm not sure that they're the world worst parents, but they are bloody stupid human beings.

It's a pity this article doesn't mention the wonderfuly talented Harry Beck - [] - Transportation owes him huge debt of gratitude.

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to be temporarily blind? Ummm. No. I also have no wish to screw around with one of my most precious senses as a gimmicky trick to try on myself. The whole thing sounds stupid in the extreme to me.

You may wish to try this as an alternative: [] Very simple and only 94kb. Works perfectly.

I love this project. What a brilliant bit of work. Having said this, it's a real pity that it's selling for a reasonably high price because I won't be buying it due to this and I doubt many other will either (that could be the whole point on the other hand).

Nice bit of design, but at $75 to $94? For 4Gb? Utter madness. I'm sure therefore that lots of people will buy them.

I'm a professional typographic/print/graphic designer. IMHO the Gmail logo is passable, just.

@Philip.J.Fry - I'm not because I don't. I'm well aware that loads of corporations have the same attitude. That of course doesn't make it okay at all however.

This has to be some kind of early April fool right?