
Only after the last tree has been cut down.

And what the fuck do I do when I'm travelling, working on a creative project and have no access to the internet, or just want to work offline?

I have an original one of these. The design is really clean and beautiful.

£3000 on two D700 cameras from SLR Hut. US/UK company (their address is an accomodation addresss in London). It looked a bit (read: really) dodgy but they did have some good online reviews and their prices were very keen.

I'd forgotten about that, you're absolutely right.

Beautiful ... until someone knocks it over onto your carpet!

You got there before me! I totally agree.

Of course not, don't be so bloody silly. The river Amazon existed before the bloody company turned up and therefore of course any domain should relate to that rather than to some silly corporation.

R S I !

How utterly ironic! In the UK Amazon is rapidly turning into a pariah company due to their extremely mucky and complex (corporate) tax dodging schemes.

Here's a great tip to make it even easier ...

I think it's better to do a job that you like, or at least one that you don't hate because spending tie doing anything else is a distinct waste. Having said this, ultimately it is, sadly all about the money.

I think that the key thing is just not to let yourself get 'signed up by default'. It's perfectly possible to live within a culture, to respect people within it, but to do so without having to accept all of it's precepts.

It really was something my Dad said to me, so not so much a quote as an anecdote. Either way if it's of some worth to others then that's good and I'm happy.

My Dad gave me some very sound advice when I started my first job:

I doubt that any kind of psychological testing can prepare people for the kind of potential issues that might arise as you are basically permanently marooned on what amounts to a desert planet. If fact it's a much bigger challenge than a desert as they have a breathable atmosphere and normally are completely and

Too true. Printing your currency in more than two colours would make it much harder to conterfeit and reproroduce too and you wouldn't want that would you?

My personal advice is to always make sure that the gear that you take is in a carry on size bag. I use a ThinkTank Airport Accelerator ( which lets me carry a huge amount of gear into the cabin with me rather than submitting it to the tender embraces of