
Honestly Google has put so little effort into Youtube it’s painful...


The last 3rd of the book was just fucking awful. Just end it in the middle of nowhere and it’s so much better.

Deus Ex Machina in reverse the whole last book.

The last half of the book kind of ruins the entire series fyi.

Also, seriously this is why I almost NEVER watch trailers.

I’d love to see Japans reaction to the winner.

This was amazing to watch.

I’ve always like Keyori and NEVER understood why people thought he copied Dunkey the dude is a for lack of better words Asshole.

Seriously there’s a difference between trash talk and being an inane child.

Actually they’re doing really well, the game just does not look that entertaining is all.

No usually it’s a lot more spirited if you’re having fun and less complaining.


You said Legend of Legaia... I now love you.

This is stupid literally one of the best things about it was it’s size. Yeah let’s cut the thing in half and make it so you have to squint to see anything of note.

Digital is the best thing ever Nintendo is just a bunch of idiots and made a tiny ass amount of storage in it.

I have 14 games with me at all times because of digital on the 3DS I don’t have to carry around a ton of cartridges to do it either.

This actually wouldn’t be the first time BPD was called to a con about guns/bomb threats or other things. Surprisingly Boston seems more ontop of this than other cons... either that or when people come to Boston for these cons they get sloppy?

Even if they weren’t planning anything, that much ammo in weapons that

“Every image I open launched in Photos instead of Irfanview, and I can’t say it’s an improvement.”

Maybe on console but for PC those are some shitty deals.

When the show started to diverge from the book seemingly for no good reason so far, it started to get worse which is sad.

Wow I’m getting so much better are reading Japanese apparently because I can read all of that.

Capcom needs to be slammed for so much.

For some players, the fact that games like these are censored doesn’t matter: it’s a long-standing cliche in the visual novel community that some people play raunchy anime games, not for the sex scenes or indulgent nudity, but rather for the story, writing, or mechanics (much in the same way that some people genuinely

Not really getting the big deal here, anyone who’d buy this would probably meet the specs not to mention it won’t be out for a while and then the 970 will be pretty much a just above average card.