How about Multiple save slots first?
How about Multiple save slots first?
But PS4 is "For the players" guys.
Seriously though all that love and hype after that E3 pissed me off when they literally said nothing important and look they have nothing in terms of quality to show for at as of yet.
100% content sticking with my PC and 3DS... hell the Wii U wasn't a bad buy and I only bought it for…
While you are raising awareness at the same time this is also free publicity for them.
Go look up age of consent and then come back.
...why was taking a bus out?
PS4 Port of PC Port... except the PC port can be modded to actually look good, there are a few already.
Well actually they've had a contract with Nintendo since MHTri and MH3U sold phenomenally across the board so that department is doing fine but yeah they're not doing to well financially for some reason or another.
Or like Capcom's Monster Hunter and Nintendo, sign an extremely juicy exclusivity contract with the leader of the race.
Those were way post launch and weren't even originally on the table.
I dunno something about more realistic 'cell-shading' just looks really gross to me. I REALLY would have rather seen it go one way or the other not a middle road like this.
I'm just waiting for Tekken x Street Fighter (note the order of the name matters).
Well... its an opinion kinda thing.
I'd pick Dark Souls 2 over Destiny but then again they vote the way they're paid to vote.
For the most part this was like all the other "Game" Award things, crappy and the things that won were lukewarm compared to the other ones in the category for the most part.
Some were good and some were fair enough but most of them were just crap choices.
Xbox should just call GG now. Seriously though I wish the art style of SF5 wasn't the same as SF4.
While I disagree with a quite a bit of this list I love seeing Shogun 2 on this list, Shogun 2 is definitely the best game in the TW series but I know that's my opinion although I think everyone can agree its way better than the shit show that was Rome 2.
CS:GO, FFXIV, CIV 5, and hell even DOTA 2 I don't think deserve…
I like the Mount & Blade one way better.
Thank you for that wonderful but small PC gaming note, it makes me happy you present the alternative to either.
The plots already crap in the manga so all they have to do is keep the character interactions the same which is all the fans even care about so yeah. Although like 90% of live actions its probably going to suck.
(I dislike AoT and totally fine with this happening)
GameStop being stupid and annoying to gamers... is this something new?
Honestly I feel like its a little bit worse than Far Cry 3 because of the pacing and lack of a cool villain. This is besides the whole feeling of been there done that which wouldn't usually bother me but honestly... the semi bugginess of the AI and Stealth makes it bother me.