
I don't think this is a PR stunt without reason...

Woah first person I've seen on this site that doesn't praise the show yet isn't killed with comments.
Also the story is only downhill from where the anime leaves off.

No its very bad and completely overhyped, its riddled with plot holes and the main character has shit for a personality. The second season that is to be will show these plot holes as they are though thankfully. (gaping holes of shitty writing)

Adding the options nice but I never liked quick start.

Still a shit service that has a problem with getting hacked and generally just being a list of generally ok games.

Well actually the video game thing is less and less a minority than it used to be.

Actually that's the whole point I was going for.

Guys read the statement they gave the police... I can't decide whether or not I believe they did this purposely or they're seriously a different kind of psychotic.

Riot is too lenient with the pros and their behavior, most of them have issues.

'Writes fan fiction'... I'm confused is that considered an offensive thing to white supremacists now?

Technically the person just used the character models in SFM

PC release or PS4 Emulator PLEASE.

The Elder Scrolls games for me.

I thought the gears series was really bad, it was always too easy to take on the enemies and multiplayer was most of the time a joke.

I really don't like cover based shooters with such generic plots.

This is just my opinion man.

Yeah that was mine sadly.

Having money and wanting something aren't exactly related all the time.

Same sounds like it could be real but I don't know.

You must crack yourself up.

Actually right now you just sound like an ass and an idiot at this point which I'm going to assume you are since you're not even trying at this point.