
I would not say that it is the pinnacle, that honor would definitely go to the Original Playstation since it made clear that the way to go in gaming was to have the borader variety of games that would appeal to everyone and with high quality games coming in at almost all times. N64 had huge hits as you mention and it

KHIII Likely in 2017?, I laughed hard at that...try 2019

“Flame boss Pyro took me three tries. Electric boss Dyna took me so many tries that I wound up going into game options and upping the “Lives Remaining” from three to nine. I love a challenge as much as the next person, but there’s only so much time in the day to go restarting an entire level.”

As a backer, I am going to play the game with the opportunity it deserves and see the result of this combined effort in which I also took part. I am biased to believe the game is good because I really liked the demo and the gameplay looks solid despite what people say.
Pretty much like the case of Star Fox Zero,

WW is a direct sequel to OOT, MM is a direct sequel to OOT, ALBW is a direct sequel to AlTTP, TP is a direct sequel to MM. It is not uncommon for Nintendo to do direct sequels.

September 16, 2016?, VIVA MÉXICO CABRONES!!!

I laughed a lot....way more than I should have...

Persona 5?

All hail our lord.

1.- Why would Konami care about these games now?

Wait, wait, Nintendo Direct?...I was not aware of that. This is going to be one lame E3 for Nintendo.

“What’s more, nobody talks about anything except Pokémon. The entire world feels one-note, like an SNL skit that lasts 30 hours too long. People don’t seem to live for anything beyond Pokémon hunting, capturing, and battling. It feels so... shallow.”

Lunala, a Darkness Pokemon weak to Dark...disappointing.

More handholding, as if the games were not easy enough already

Preorder cancelled

4. You Cannot Steer the In-Game Boats


Very weird, I was actually reading about this issue a couple minutes before the article was uploaded. Of course I did not know that this article was coming up.

Hey, why not, this sounds like a fantastic ending for the 6th season!!!

Nutella makes the most sense, make a deal with Ferrero.