
If dude could bench 600, he could have picked her up in her desk and carried the whole thing out.

I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.

Imagine if an African American security officer did this to a white high school student.

I’v taught for almost 20 years and I’ve never had a kid take a swing. You know why? I learned how to de-escalate a situation and let the kid save face. I learned when to not push kids on issues. I’ve learned when to let small infractions slide. I learned these things because I can never use force. It’s a shame police

Imagine a cop did this to your kid. In fact, imagine anyone did this to your kid.