And that’s why it won’t happen anytime soon. Republicans would stand to lose too much power.
And that’s why it won’t happen anytime soon. Republicans would stand to lose too much power.
If my Facebook feed is any indication, it seems to be celebrated mostly by athiest liberal white guys who feel the need to remind everyone that “wELL aKcHUaLLy JeSuS wAsn’T bOrN at ChRisTmaS iT’s reAllY a PagAn hoLiday”
I just recently set some baby PRs on bench and deadlift (+5lbs from last recorded max): 305lb bench and 535lb deadlift. The bench probably wouldn’t have passed at a powerlifting competition. No complete stop on chest, but at least no bounce. My last reps for deadlift went from 495 to 520 to 535. I should have gone to…
Yeah I’m a bit skeptical until I see a video of the same routine where the kid can’t get what he wants and somehow reacts calmly and rationally. I mean, this technique is better than what a parent would instinctively do, but I’m wary of its magical powers.
The Muppet Christmas Carol must only be viewed on Christmas day—no earlier
It’s funny it was removed for the kids’ sake, because I just watched it this year with my 5 and 3 year old, and my 5 year old asked why Gonzo and Rizzo were crying when the girl walked away?
Bonus points if the truck has a 6'x10' American flag flying from the back
If your floorplan is relatively complex and has a lot of nooks and crannies, skip all the low-cost options and just opt for the ones with a “smart mapping” feature. Our main floor has a racetrack layout (center stairway up and down with rooms in all directions) and I’m regretting not doing this.
If your floorplan is relatively complex and has a lot of nooks and crannies, skip all the low-cost options and just…
This was my first thought.
My wife swims with hers constantly, and has for over a year, specifically to track her workout. Maybe she’s just lucky?
This seems relevant.
As a Futurama fan this is the best reply I could have hoped for
For anyone interested in a deeper dive, I highly suggest Josh Barro and Ken White’s podcast “All the President’s Lawyers”. Most recent episode titled “Pardon Season”.
What do you suggest? I generally see Mikita, DeWalt, and Milwaukee (albeit 18V) listed as the top brands. Or were you just specifically talking about that Worx monstrosity?
What do you suggest? I generally see Mikita, DeWalt, and Milwaukee (albeit 18V) listed as the top brands. Or were…
I basically told him that everybody has theories on what happens but nobody knows for sure.
My five year old last week, out of nowhere: “When I die, do I come back as another person or am I dead forever?”
I’ll have to try it on ice cream. Not into thecocktail or glazed-meat options :-\
We’re like you (and it sounds like a lot of others) where Santa gives one “big” gift and then fills stockings. We have a 3 and 5 year old. When we read stories about Santa we don’t lay it on real thick with the “you must believe” or whatever (which is why I explicitly will not read Polar Express). When my son started…
Kohler says that copper’s thermal efficiency is a little over 400 watts per meter Kelvin
My parents went out to visit my brother and his family in the 10th most infected state and are then bringing my frail, 90 year old grandmother on a plane from that state back home to their house for Thanksgiving. I live 10 minutes away and I will not be joining.