
Southwest flight from Seattle to Denver. My son was 18 months old. Timed the flight right at his usual naptime, and because the tickets were so cheap, we bought our son a seat and put him in his car seat. He cried the whole taxi and take-off, so we took him out of car seat after taking off and gave him some food and

and be harboring fewer dust mites for the next 6 months or so

Maybe I’m tainted by living in an affluent suburb, and others don’t have a high quality experience...but who needs Amazon’s book box when you have a public library?! My kids get like 10 new books every couple weeks for $0. We still get some favorites to keep forever, but if you’re just reading a few times then moving

Splitting finances because you can’t agree on spending sounds more like a roommate situation and not a marriage.

If you’re always fighting over shared expenses...

I guess I would concede if you can pass a bill for no out-of-pocket cost post-secondary education, then forgiving current outstanding student loans would be an appropriate addition to that. Because at that point you’re just wiping the slate clean and setting up a system where “student debt” won’t be a thing anymore in

Talk about a silly take...somehow bait-and-switching us that student loan forgiveness is related to someone else’s “success” that we should be happy for?

I have kept a lot of my family’s traditions alive, if not just for my own sake but because I enjoyed them as a kid so my kids likely do too. Like how we celebrate the holidays, birthdays, etc.

I’d be interested to know what happened in 2000 when there was a delay in the ultimate outcome due to Bush v Gore. Did Bush begin his transition even as the court case was underway, and merely continued transition after it was settled? Or did they hold off on anything until the Supreme Court weighed in? My point being

I mulch them down and then put a thick layer down on top of my raised garden beds over the winter while it’s dormant. Then come spring I mix in some fresh compost and plant. 

My biggest tip for strict press is to plant your feet with toes slightly pointed out, then squeeze the everloving crap out of your glutes. An excessive amount. Like you’re trying to crush an almond. Your lower body just feels solid like a rock. It may not actually help you lift more weight, but as you do increase

I know, you think you’re special and it’s everyone else who is driving the spread of COVID.

The compounding math works the same whether you have 5-$10,000 accounts or 1-$50,000 account.

Yeah I wondered about that part. If people have a bunch of small, orphaned 401(k)s from past employers, it’s going to drag the median value way down and not reflect reality. Unless they somehow got this data from a survey or were able to track accounts to individuals.

Phrasing it as “3x your salary” is a very ham-fisted way of going about it. What you really need is 25x your expenses by the time you retire. This is the standard “FIRE” formula that lets you withdraw 4% of your portfolio almost perpetually (subject to sequence of returns risk).

“Food TikTok” seems to just be Gen Z wasting food and making a huge mess (in their parents’ very nice homes I might add) in order to gain followers.

Yup. Our oldest just started Kindergarten home school with a friend and a young teacher who just got her education certificate. 3 days a week for 3 hours. So far it’s been more than enough academically, and we have a group of 3 families for our kids to play together.

If I didn’t have little kids I would eat the exact same thing for breakfast every single day, and have a set 5-day schedule of lunches and dinners for Monday-Friday. Then wild card on the weekends for lunch/dinner. I spend way too much time worrying about what to eat and preparing it, when 90% of the time food is just

Thanks for the reality check. Following too many guys who can do 200lbs+ for a few reps and wondering what’s wrong with me :-\

I am maddened by how quickly my rep totals go down as the weight increases. For reference, I did 3x8 at 130lbs today on OHP. On Tuesday I could only do 6x2 at 160lbs. 30 more pounds and it cuts off 6 whole reps. Jeeze...