Oh my god, this.
Oh my god, this.
People like this think it’s “funny” and “cute” and “edgy” to do the Nazi salute. They need to crack open a history book... and then take that book and shove it up their fucking ass because no amount of education will make them see the light. These people don’t deserve my love, sorry.
Apart of me is tired of having to listen to people who voted for Trump talk about how they feel alienated and how their feelings are important, too. I know my feelings and other groups are not important or don’t matter to them. They either don’t see me and other groups as people or don’t consider us important.
YES. This is one of my biggest problems with democrats—they don’t fight back. They don’t want to play dirty. And so they get ran over time and again. This is not the time to “give Trump a chance” this is a time to listen to what Trump told us he believes and believe him.
I see no reason to give shitstains like this the benefit of the doubt. They had a chance. And they voted for Trump. That was their chance and they fucked it up.
Jesus Christ, I didn’t even know I was pregnant until 6 weeks. The first four you aren’t even actually pregnant!! It’s just your normal cycle at that point. So that’s a 2 weeks window to find out your pregnant, make a decision, and get yourself to a clinic. Aggghhhhh. Fuck everything.
Just a reminder to male show runners: both Burn Notice and Person of Interest managed to write complicated female characters with past trauma who got into various risky situations without once threatening them with sexual violence. It can be done.
Thank god. Aside from it being handled wrong tonally and thematically 98% of the time, it’s almost always just lazy storytelling, the quickest way to convey a plot point, or a reason for the male protagonist’s man pain. It’s rarely given any complexity or nuance, and frequently shot either like misery porn or like a…
It can be, but it’s also overused and sometimes completely unnecessary to the overall narrative of the story being told. The same way that the plot device of a man losing a woman love interest to death or capture is.
America as a country has a very fucked-up attitude regarding sex and sexuality
“America as a country has a very fucked-up attitude regarding sex and sexuality...”
No, it’s a rebuke to having the adults in charge. It’s a rebuke to civility in politics (although the Tea Party taking over the Republican Party was pretty much the beginning of the end of that). It’s a rebuke to anyone who isn’t a rich, white, straight, Christian male who dared to think they deserve basic civil and…
That Barack Obama - so arrogant! So entrenched!
White supremacy has been normal since the founding of this country. Time didn’t do anything to normalize it.
Yeah, Kasich’s too busy destroying abortion rights to bother with the Presidency any more.
And thank god the swamp is going to be drained...............to make it easier for the creatures who live in it to see their money.
Thank god we dodged that HRC Corruption bullet guys
To me the most shocking part of this whole story is that Bob Dole is still alive.