
I’d love to imagine that a recount meant America will be saved from the kakistocracy of Cheetolini and his cronies taking office, but not holding my breath.

I agree—I’m through with the whole “rise above it” talk, since rising above it has resulted in...this.

He always has and always will. Fuck Bernie Sanders over and over. HRC was right: back to the basement kiddos that Xbox is not going to play itself.

Electionland: Worst. Disney. Theme park. Ever.

I ain’t mad. I have said it before, I will no doubt say it approximately ten million times in the next (hopefully) four years but I will be damned if I will go gracefully into a Trump administration. Anything big or small or in between that discomfits that fascist fuck is fine by me. And that includes Jill Stein.

This seems like such an odd thing for people to get their panties in a twist about. Between the Russians, voter suppression efforts, and Trump claiming the election was rigged I don’t see how taking a closer look at a couple of states can hurt, maybe it will help restore some confidence in our voting system. It’s

I hear ya. I know if he loses, the country loses, yadda yadda, but I will feel so smugly satisfied when Reince and Kellyanne and Paul Ryan have to help drag his ass out of the White House because he has been placed on an involuntary psych hold.

I can see how something like this would drive him absolutely insane. Yeah, he won but Clinton is still beating him by popular votes. More people voted for her rather than him. She is setting records and he is not.

I like that - but I also kind of like him losing his shit.

It really, really, reeeeeaaaaally bugs him that he failed to win the popular vote.

I feel so happy knowing that the loss of the popular vote is really getting under his skin and driving him to Twitter meltdowns. The Dems need to spend the next four years reminding him, and the rest of the Republican Party, of this fact.

Redo! Redo!

In fact, let’s try it all again. I’m sure he’ll still win, given his performance in the last few weeks.

I mean if there is this massive voter fraud I don’t see why he would have an issue with a recount.

The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.

Duct tape.

Late season harvest.

Hi all — I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, American Jezzies. But if you didn’t…. here’s your thread to complain about uncomfortable things various family members said to you at Thanksgiving!

because some americans, and by which i mean the fucking delusional racist ones, wanted jobs to come back so we can defeat RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM because that bitch hillary was too corrupt and its time for white power to rise again and nobodys gonna take america away from them again lest god be damned.....think i

They finally released a statement about it: