A joke I once heard from a Mormon:
A joke I once heard from a Mormon:
Me too, the word salad was too much for me. Whole portions just made no sense at all.
In other news, I demand damages from the incoming Trump administration.
It’s also a great way to turn a profit.
I suppose killing our national education system is one way they’ve figured out how to ensure a healthy supply of future Republican voters...
Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
I’ve been avoiding these stories, because they’re too hopeful and 2016 has taught me that hope is lost.
Why not check them? If the results are the same, the right can go back to screaming SHUT UP WE WON to random Starbucks baristas and/or Broadway actors.
- NA languages go extinct at an appalling rate. Historians believe that originally, over 300 distinct NA languages existed - that is down to around 150 today, and a majority of those left have only a handful of elderly speakers left.
Okay, let me say before I say anything else that I speak solely for my own half-Native self and nobody else. And this is just how I feel, personally.
Precisely. The fact is, some things are like Hitler.
That is so frigging true. Just because he’s wearing an ill-fitting suit and not a pair of shiny jackboots doesn’t mean he’s not a goddamn Nazi.
CNN’s M.O. is to have a panel of ‘experts’ who discuss what they feel about what was said. Apparently that’s far easier to do than actual reporting and investigation. Those expert’s feelings then become the facts.
Just like the precious folk who could not abide the phrases PUSSY GRABBING, PUSSY GRABBER, GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY being repeated because it is just so ugly, yet stayed aligned with the PUSSY GRABBER HIMSELF, who said the words in the first place..
Or the racist history of his Cabinet. Or the fact that Neo Nazis are proclaiming his election as a victory. Or etc etc etc
Cry when a guest uses the n-word...but never, ever challenge the crap that came out of Trump’s mouth during the campaign and flows like a shit faucet today.
Ah, yes. The Alt Reich at work again.
Seriously, how is it possible that there’s nothing the country can do about this growing, radioactive orange tumor before it has actual power? Is our system of government actually going to let this happen?
Please god, let the Electoral College have a sudden attack of conscience and save us at the last moment from all this horror.
It sure got everyone’s attention, which I believe was precisely the point.